switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])
case ClassTruckDriver: // Truck-driver class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Trucker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassTruckDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
case ClassBusDriver: // Bus-driver class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), BusDriver_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassBusDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
case ClassPilot: // Pilot class
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw2);
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Pilot_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPilot); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
case ClassPolice: // Police class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Police_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPolice); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for wanted players (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Police_CheckWantedPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
// Check if the police player can get weapons
if (PoliceGetsWeapons == true)
// Give up to 12 weapons to the player
for (new i; i < 12; i++)
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, APoliceWeapons[i], PoliceWeaponsAmmo);
case ClassMafia: // Mafia class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Mafia_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassMafia); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players that carry mafia-loads (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Mafia_CheckMafiaLoads", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
case ClassCourier: // Courier class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Courier_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassCourier); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
case ClassAssistance: // Assistance class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Assistance_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassAssistance); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
// Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players who need assistance (be sure the timer has been destroyed first)
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Assistance_CheckPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class
format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), RoadWorker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext
SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassRoadWorker); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map)
// Set the missiontext
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], missiontext);
// Show the missiontext for this player
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]);
// If the player spawns and his jailtime hasn't passed yet, put him back in jail
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] != 0)
Police_JailPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]);
return 1;
I want something like when we are changing the class from request class with this aorrow: > , <
when we find pilot class than this textdraw will show. and if we don't select/change the class from pilot than it will hide/destroy textdraw.