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Invalid character constant - Printable Version

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Invalid character constant - Pawnie - 06.11.2013

Okay I am getting INvalid Character Constant

new sex[24];
if(sscanf(params, "s[24]", sex)) //error line

Re: Invalid character constant - Lynn - 06.11.2013

Post all the code, because that line alone is fine.

Re: Invalid character constant - jakejohnsonusa - 06.11.2013

Erm what are you trying to do excatly?

Re: Invalid character constant - Pawnie - 06.11.2013

Just started making it

Re: Invalid character constant - xganyx - 06.11.2013

pawn Код:
    new sex[24];
    if(sscanf(params, "s[24]", sex)) return 0; //you must to do something...
    return 1;

Re: Invalid character constant - Lynn - 06.11.2013

You are either not posting all of the code, or actually only have that much done.
If that's the case, you have to add more, otherwise you're creating a if statement that's not doing anything
which is why you're getting a warning/error. Finish the command, and see if the error remains.

pawn Код:
    new sex[24];
    if(sscanf(params, "s[24]", sex)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /sex [SexText?]");
    return 1;

Re: Invalid character constant - Pawnie - 06.11.2013

Yeah but I am still getting same error even with just that code you gave me

Re: Invalid character constant - Lynn - 06.11.2013

I feel like you're leaving out part of your code then.
Because our code compiles fine for me.

Re: Invalid character constant - Pawnie - 06.11.2013

Nope :/ nothing...

Re: Invalid character constant - Lynn - 06.11.2013

Please view your PM's.