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Killingspree - Printable Version

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Killingspree - RowdyrideR - 03.11.2013

Well, Showing the spree with a textdraw, It works fine with 1 and 2 kills, later on it freezes till it becomes 6 kills (3,4,5 the text keeps saying 2) and again till it becomes 9 kills.

On top:

new PTK[MAX_PLAYERS],gHighScore=0;
Under OnPlayerDeath:

if (PTK[playerid] > gHighScore)
        gHighScore = PTK[playerid];
        format(SpreeS, sizeof(SpreeS), "%s is on KillingSpree with %d kills!", PlayerName(playerid),PTK[playerid]);
Yeah I know it should be [killerid] but I did [playerid] for testing.