PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
RebeloX - 31.10.2013
Vote and comment with your opinion about it
I will give my opinion later
my opinion
I grew up with sony consoles (ps1, ps2 and psp) and i didn't have any trouble with those consoles, ps4 is pretty good, okay the hardware could be the same but you don't have those rules like pay to play online which is fucking ridiculous (it is one of the things that microsoft wants to gain money ) , you can have some problems with psn okay, but i prefer play for free, cuz when you have a computer, you don't have to pay to play online ( okay you have the internet to pay, but on xbox you need to pay to play online). Another thing is the price, 400Ђ to play all the games with high graphics. PS3 have 5 years of life-time , maybe ps4 will have the same. I think that microsoft created xbox to gain money with the console.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
Robert_Crawford - 31.10.2013
Xbox One is going to have better game content in about a year because of MSDN Game Studio which allows Indie developers to really get their game going. Also having those extra features is even better so no complaints. They're running the same exact hardware too. You also have to notice that the Xbox is more diversified; they're also allowing better integration with Surface, Windows Phone and the PC. Like right now i have a media server on my PC and i stream away with my content. But you're going to be able to use your surface to look at the game map and like in grand theft auto they're trying to something similar but MS is going to do it on a larger scale.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
Pottus - 31.10.2013
Neither, I grew out of using consoles when I started using a PC the way I see it consoles are for children and adults use PC's. Consoles are designed specifically to make money they are a suckers system for parents to appease their whiny children with overpriced games that they will play a month then whine for another.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
***Niko*** - 31.10.2013
Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
Neither, I grew out of using consoles when I started using a PC the way I see it consoles are for children and adults use PC's. Consoles are designed specifically to make money they are a suckers system for parents to appease their whiny children with overpriced games that they will play a month then whine for another.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
SsHady - 31.10.2013
Xbox won the last generation and it will win this one. Now don't get me wrong, I like both consoles and I would get both if I could, but the Xbox is simply the best option. Games, although subject to opinion, seem to be better on the xbox. Halo stomps Killzone and Titanfall is going to revolution the FPS so Sony doesn't have too much a chance with games. In terms of specs, yes the PS4 is more "powerful" but then again so was the PS3 and look how that turned out. There was little to no difference in cross-platform games and it will be the same with this generation. As for price, the xbox one is $100 more but the Kinect One is worth that if not more, and lets not forget the PS3 launch price of $600. The PS4 seems like the PS3 with some upgraded specs and features, the Xbox One is actually trying to change the industry from the bland, monotone theme it has had for years. Controller to TV, there has been nothing else, but Xbox is trying to save that. Also, the DRM and always online policies from Microsoft, while seen as one of Microsoft's biggest screw up, were actually some of the best features. Once again, Xbox was trying to move forward into the digital age but a bunch of ill-informed gamers and Sony held them back. After 8 years with the same technology, you'd think people would be a bit more open to a new idea. As I said before, I would buy both if I could, and PS4 definitely holds quite a few things over Microsoft, but overall, the Xbox One is the future of console gaming.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
Pottus - 31.10.2013
Originally Posted by SsHady
the Xbox One is the future of console gaming.
It's likely this will be the last generation for consoles anyways sounds like a dead-end future to me
Respuesta: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
adri1 - 31.10.2013
PS4, xboxcrap.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
Naruto_Emilio - 31.10.2013
PS4 cause it doesn't have gay rules... and its better, when you buy xbox one, there will be that kinect cam that will watch you all day, so probably people might see your privacy (microsoft staff), I read that from an article on the internet.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
Pottus - 31.10.2013
Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio
PS4 cause it doesn't have gay rules... and its better, when you buy xbox one, there will be that kinect cam that will watch you all day, so probably people might see your privacy (microsoft staff), I read that from an article on the internet.
Sounds like pedobear would be pleased.
Re: PS4 or XBOX ONE? Which one you like? -
RayW - 01.11.2013
Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
Neither, I grew out of using consoles when I started using a PC the way I see it consoles are for children and adults use PC's. Consoles are designed specifically to make money they are a suckers system for parents to appease their whiny children with overpriced games that they will play a month then whine for another.
Not necessarily. There are exclusives on various consoles that you won't find on the PC. I personally bought my PS3 for Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 6, and GTA5 (the PC version should be out soon though). I'll play GTA5 once it hits on PC as the PC provides the better experience.
As for the poll, The PS4 hands down. I can't justify spending the additional $100 for inferior hardware and games I don't really even care about. But then I'm primarily a PC gamer.