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[FilterScript] Shooting in car - Printable Version

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Shooting in car - Seregamil1 - 26.10.2013



Creator: Seregamil

Re: Shooting in car - Pottus - 26.10.2013

Nice try but I don't like this method at all let me sum this up....

1.) PVars
2.) Silly use of timers ex. _update[playerid] = SetTimerEx("_vehicleShot", 794, true, "i", playerid);
3.) Your who idea of detection is flawed and I can tell by that video it's not very effective

Anyways, check out my method for this

Re: Shooting in car - boomerboom - 26.10.2013


Re: Shooting in car - Seregamil1 - 26.10.2013

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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Nice try but I don't like this method at all let me sum this up....

1.) PVars
2.) Silly use of timers ex. _update[playerid] = SetTimerEx("_vehicleShot", 794, true, "i", playerid);
3.) Your who idea of detection is flawed and I can tell by that video it's not very effective

Anyways, check out my method for this
ok, but:

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerShoot(playeridweaponidammo)
You using OnPlayerUpdate -> your method is triggered 4 times per second, it's a lot for such a simple system.

In both options have their pros and cons, but change my mind I will not

Re: Shooting in car - Seregamil1 - 26.10.2013

your system have bug: if in vehicle sitting player in passenger state - your method don't working

Re: Shooting in car - Pottus - 26.10.2013

That is not a problem at all at least for the host I use, you just need to know how to use OnPlayerUpdate() effectively since OnPlayerShoot() is called only when a shot is detected it's not much of a problem. Looping through all the vehicles not a problem that happens very quickly thanks for pointing out that other bug I'll look into changing that in next update.

Re: Shooting in car - Spliffy - 26.10.2013

Had this in my server already, but good job.

Respuesta: Shooting in car - DanDRT - 26.10.2013

not bad...

Re: Shooting in car - x96664 - 26.10.2013

Nice, but it takes too much time to blow up a car with the minigun.

Re: Shooting in car - Mattakil - 19.01.2014

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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Nice try but I don't like this method at all let me sum this up....

1.) PVars