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Setplayerinfo - Printable Version

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Setplayerinfo - Superhot - 19.10.2013

PlayerInfo[playerid][dRank] = 3;
how do i do this in player connect?

Re: Setplayerinfo - PinkFloydLover - 19.10.2013

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    PlayerInfo[playerid][dRank] = 3;
    return 1;

Re: Setplayerinfo - TehMiles - 19.10.2013

Keep in mind setting that on when the player connects will set it as default for everybody as they connect. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but just remember, if you're trying to load stats, do so by reading a file, and such, first.

Re: Setplayerinfo - DanishHaq - 19.10.2013

You should put the line under where your file gets parsed for being used with your enumerated variables. However, you could just put it on the first line under OnPlayerDisconnect as if you're doing it under OnPlayerConnect, the parsing will overwrite it anyway, so that won't work.

Re: Setplayerinfo - Superhot - 19.10.2013

So i'll just put this PlayerInfo[playerid][dRank] = 3; on playerconnect first line?
I am trying to give everyone donor rank level 3.

Re: Setplayerinfo - -Prodigy- - 20.10.2013


Re: Setplayerinfo - Superhot - 21.10.2013

Its not working :/

Re: Setplayerinfo - HardRock - 21.10.2013

Then put under Onplayerspawn.