11:15:52] Vehicle ID: just travelled more than 15 meters with no one in it! Resetting its position.
[11:15:54] Vehicle ID: just travelled more than 15 meters with no one in it! Resetting its position.
[11:16:07] Incoming connection:
[11:16:07] [join] Aot_Adder has joined the server (33:
[11:16:08] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:16:08] [part] Xavier_Alvarez has left the server (18:0)
[11:16:10] Vehicle ID: just travelled more than 15 meters with no one in it! Resetting its position.
[11:16:13] *** Audio Plugin: Incoming connecting from
[11:16:13] *** Audio Plugin: Aot_Adder (ID: 33) has connected
[11:16:44] Running new race
[11:17:16] Prison saved.
[11:17:16] [SERVER] Prison ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:16] [SERVER] Restart sequence started by: Automatic Save Service
[11:17:16] Refreshing Market Prices...
[11:17:16] Setting New Oil Price To: 529
[11:17:16] Refreshing.
[11:17:16] Refreshing Population
[11:17:17] Rigs Saved.
[11:17:17] [SERVER] Rigs ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:18] Factions Saved.
[11:17:18] [SERVER] Factions ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:19] Companies Saved.
[11:17:19] [SERVER] Companies ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:19] [chat] [Jacob_Black]: เข้าไง
[11:17:25] Businesses Saved.
[11:17:25] [SERVER] Businesses ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:25] Interiors Saved.
[11:17:25] [SERVER] Interiors ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:25] Drugs Saved.
[11:17:25] [SERVER] Drugs ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:28] Houses Saved.
[11:17:28] [SERVER] Houses ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:17:28] Vehicles saved.
[11:17:28] [SERVER] Vehicles ข้อมูลได้ถูกบันทึก
[11:19:01] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:01] [part] Michael_Jeson has left the server (28:0)
[11:19:02] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:02] [part] Pet_Jerry has left the server (20:0)
[11:19:03] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:03] [part] Anos_Agkg has left the server (5:0)
[11:19:03] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:03] [part] Keng_Exorcist has left the server (14:0)
[11:19:03] *** Audio Plugin: Petty_Carzy (ID: 15) has disconnected
[11:19:03] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:03] [part] Petty_Carzy has left the server (15:0)
[11:19:04] *** Audio Plugin: Daniel_Alves (ID: 0) has disconnected
[11:19:04] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:05] [part] Daniel_Alves has left the server (0:0)
[11:19:06] *** Audio Plugin: Luky_Hobb (ID: 11) has disconnected
[11:19:06] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:06] [part] Luky_Hobb has left the server (11:0)
[11:19:07] Incoming connection:
[11:19:07] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:07] [part] Brock_Lesnar has left the server (16:0)
[11:19:07] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:07] [part] Denise_Oconer has left the server (13:0)
[11:19:08] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:08] [part] Benz_Nova has left the server (17:0)
[11:19:09] *** Audio Plugin: Butter_Choco (ID: 12) has disconnected
[11:19:09] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:09] [part] Butter_Choco has left the server (12:0)
[11:19:10] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:10] [part] Aomz_Rangle has left the server (30:0)
[11:19:10] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:10] [part] David_Carlos has left the server (27:0)
[11:19:10] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:10] [part] Miss_Stone has left the server (25:0)
[11:19:13] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:13] [part] Mildza_Jery has left the server (29:0)
[11:19:16] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:16] [part] Mac_Beth has left the server (10:0)
[11:19:16] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:16] [part] Giuseppe_Agenzia has left the server (6:0)
[11:19:16] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:16] [part] Itim_Smile has left the server (7:0)
[11:19:17] *** Audio Plugin: Incoming connecting from
[11:19:17] *** Audio Plugin: Aot_Adder (ID: 33) has disconnected
[11:19:17] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:17] [part] Aot_Adder has left the server (33:0)
[11:19:17] Incoming connection:
[11:19:18] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:18] [part] Jacob_Black has left the server (19:0)
[11:19:19] *** Audio Plugin: Raphael_Costa (ID: 3) has disconnected
[11:19:19] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:19] [part] Raphael_Costa has left the server (3:0)
[11:19:19] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:19] [part] Pets_Trevor has left the server (23:0)
[11:19:19] *** Audio Plugin: Incoming connecting from
[11:19:21] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:21] [part] Drive_Nielsen has left the server (26:0)
[11:19:22] Incoming connection:
[11:19:23] Incoming connection:
[11:19:26] Incoming connection:
[11:19:26] Player Text Draws Destroyed
[11:19:26] [part] Chaiya_Persie has left the server (21:0)
[11:19:26] *** Audio Plugin: Solomon_Richards (ID: 9) has disconnected