Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. -
Unri - 15.10.2013
Hello. Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. I dont understand how can you make the dialog recognize what weapons are available to the according duty menu.
Re: Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. -
AssadMota - 15.02.2019
Re: Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. -
polygxn - 15.02.2019
Well maybe if you give us some pictures about the system it would be easier. Its a little bit hard this way to guess what you thinking of under "dynamic dutymenu".
Re: Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. -
TokicMajstor - 15.02.2019
Do you mean creating player dialog list in which you choose like on duty or off duty
Re: Could someone explain me how to make a dynamic dutymenu like on highrise roleplay and next generation roleplay. -
ItsRobinson - 15.02.2019
PHP Code:
#define MainDutyLocker 1 //Examples, if you have dialogs in your script already, change the numbers
#define DutyLockerEquipment 2 //Examples, if you have dialogs in your script already, change the numbers
/*If player types /locker*/
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, MainDutyLocker, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Locker", "On-Duty\nEquipment", "Select", "Close");
/*Under OnDialogResponse*/
if(dialogid == MainDutyLocker)
if(!response) return 1; //if they press escape or close button it will close the dialog
if(listitem == 0) //On-Duty
/*your code here*/
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're now on-duty."); //Example
else if(listitem == 1) //Equipment
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DutyLockerEquipment, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Equipment", "Deagle\nShotgun", "Select", "Back"); //If they click the Equipment option, it will open a new dialog
if(dialogid == DutyLockerEquipment)
if(!response) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, MainDutyLocker, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Locker", "On-Duty\nEquipment", "Select", "Close"); //if they press Escape or the Back button, it will take them back to the main duty menu
if(listitem == 0) //Deagle
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 64); //give the player a deagle with 64 bullets.
else if(listitem == 1) //Shotgun
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 25, 15); //give the player a shotgun with 15 bullets.
This is the very basics, you gotta learn to do the rest