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[FilterScript] Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - Printable Version

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Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - RajatPawar - 10.10.2013


This is how it looks like:

The distances between the arrows and options is a bit messed up due to varying lengths, I can't do anything about that.

You can choose any option because it enables your cursor.


pawn Code:
native CreateSelectMenu( playerid, MENU_ID, string[] );
native ShowSelectMenu( playerid, MENU_ID );
native HideSelectMenu( playerid );
All options must be included in the string 'string'. The separator (delimiter) must be ' | '.

So if you want to show these eight options: The string parameter must be:
pawn Code:
#define MY_MENU 1

CreateSelectMenu( playerid, MY_MENU, "Hello|Hi|Namaste|Welcome|XYZ|ABC|My|HI");
ShowSelectMenu is self explanatory.


pawn Code:
forward public OnPlayerClickSelectMenu( playerid, const MENU_ID, OPTION_TYPE );
* Option type returns these values:

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerClickSelectMenu( playerid, const MENU_ID, OPTION_TYPE )
      if(OPTION_TYPE == OPTION_1)
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You clicked option 1");  
       return 1;
[COMMAND FS] Download filterscript
[REQUIRED] Download include 'select_menu_definition' required for filterscript

Thanks, cheers, report any bugs you find.

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - Mckarlis - 10.10.2013

Nice job i will surley use this .

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - Nofear192 - 10.10.2013

Awesome Filter-Script

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - iZN - 10.10.2013

Nice Rajat.

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - vyper - 10.10.2013

Pretty nice idea

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - -Prodigy- - 10.10.2013

First of all, the GUI is ugly. It could be designed much better with better selecting style, etc.. Also, the menu MUST have 8 options? What if I just want 2? You should make it more dynamic. Eg: # of options = # of options to select from.

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - iFiras - 10.10.2013

Good job making this

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - x96664 - 10.10.2013

Does namaste mean cheers ?

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - Juandawson - 11.10.2013

nice bro

Re: Sprite & TD select menu! [USABLE FOR WEAPONS, OPTIONS, ETC] - RajatPawar - 12.10.2013

Originally Posted by -Prodigy-
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First of all, the GUI is ugly. It could be designed much better with better selecting style, etc.. Also, the menu MUST have 8 options? What if I just want 2? You should make it more dynamic. Eg: # of options = # of options to select from.
Alright, you don't find the design cool, personal opinion, w/e. But options? Isn't that exceptionally stupid? Because allowing that would just break the symmetry and this no longer would be a good idea then..! Thanks for viewing this topic!