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[FilterScript] Player Names (3D text label) - Printable Version

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Player Names (3D text label) - Spliffy - 09.10.2013

Spliffys 3DText Player Names Above their heads
Hello, You are probably thinking what does this filterscript do?
What it does its simple, When a player connects to the server it will display their name above their heads like "John_Smith" It will not show hes HP or anything, just their name.
Sorry for no screenshots, My test server isn't working and this is one of the things I used to use on my roleplay server.
The nametag will be white, Its the name that is displayed above hes head.

#include <a_samp>
#define NAME_DRAWDISTANCE (5) // The distance of the 3d text nametags to appear.
new Text3D:NameTag[MAX_PLAYERS];
new playerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

public OnGameModeInit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	playerName = p_name( playerid );
	NameTag[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel( playerName, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, NAME_DRAWDISTANCE, 0, 1 );
    Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(NameTag[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2);
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    Delete3DTextLabel( NameTag[playerid] );
	return 1;

stock p_name( playerid )
	new p_namev[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, p_namev, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
	return p_namev;
This is one of my first filterscript releases, so enjoy!

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - trandiep1982 - 09.10.2013

Good job thank you so much

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - PT - 09.10.2013

some images please

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Spliffy - 09.10.2013

Originally Posted by PT
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some images please
My test server isn't working at the moment, I cannot I am sorry unless someone else can make a picture and post it.
But it is pretty much what I have explained, try for yourself and see!
Once my test server is up, I will go ahead and make a picture.

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Spliffy - 09.10.2013

Originally Posted by PT
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some images please
I saw "True Roleplay" having the exact same script, it looks like this
Although mine isn't as high as theirs, so mine is just literally above the head.

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Axey187 - 09.10.2013

I like it , Thank you for releasing it .

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Spliffy - 13.10.2013

Originally Posted by Axey187
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I like it , Thank you for releasing it .
No problemos!

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - DanishHaq - 13.10.2013

Good job I suppose for hard-rp servers.

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Kindred - 13.10.2013

Very useful script, indeed. Well done.

Re: Player Names (3D text label) - Tomix - 14.10.2013

Is it possible to make this so that if your at a enum distance then the user cant see ur name tag?