Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 06.10.2013
I read ___'s Unix Timestamp tutorial.
And i finally make a Temporary VIP System using the Unix Timestamp.
There is problems on it, I want to display a client showing how many days (or what date) will the VIP expired.
The timec function results 52.
- timec(gettime()-TheTimeStamp)
Here is the timestamp i'm trying to display into readable date (days)
And this is how i made the days into unix timestamp
pawn Код:
new expired = gettime()+(days*86400);
Base on ___'s tutorial.
I heard converting it is pretty hard, leap years etc...
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
xXShadowXx - 06.10.2013
I use the timec function for bans. Here's an example, I use a slightly modified version of it so I only return the days left.
pawn Код:
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `owner` = '%s' OR `ip` = '%s' AND`time` > '%d'",GetName(playerid),realIP[playerid],gettime());
result = db_query(database,query);
new id,name[24],ip[16];
db_get_field_assoc(result,"id",ip,sizeof(ip)); id = strval(ip);
db_get_field_assoc(result,"time",string,sizeof(string)); time = strval(string);
format(string,sizeof(string),"You're banned.\n\nBan ID: %d\nBanned name: %s\nBanned IP: %s\nBan expires: %s",id,name,ip,timec(time));
return db_free_result(result);
stock timec(timestamp,compare = -1)
if (compare == -1)
compare = gettime();
new n,Float:d = (timestamp > compare) ? timestamp - compare : compare - timestamp,returnstr[32];
if (d < 60)
format(returnstr,sizeof(returnstr),"< 1 minute");
return returnstr;
else if (d < 3600)
{ // 3600 = 1 hour
n = floatround(floatdiv(d,60.0),floatround_floor);
else if (d < 86400)
{ // 86400 = 1 day
n = floatround(floatdiv(d,3600.0),floatround_floor);
{ // 2592000 = 1 month
n = floatround(floatdiv(d,86400.0),floatround_floor);
if (n == 1)
format(returnstr,sizeof(returnstr),"1 %s",returnstr);
format(returnstr,sizeof(returnstr),"%d %ss",n,returnstr);
return returnstr;
In your case, you could use something like:
pawn Код:
new vip = GetPVarInt(playerid,"VIP"),string[124];
if(vip < gettime()) format(string,sizeof(string),"You're not a vip.");
else format(string,sizeof(string),"You're vip for the next %s",timec(vip));
return 1;
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 07.10.2013
Seems like, It returns wrong
I input
"/setvip Jake_Hero 1 3"
- /setvip PlayerID/Name Days Level.
It saves fine. However, timec displays, You're VIP for: 50 days. It should display, You're VIP for: 1 days.
pawn Код:
new expired = gettime()+(days*86400);
Again, this is the code i use to get the unix timestamp.
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 07.10.2013
Sorry but BUMP.
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 19.10.2013
anyone? It has been weeks now.
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 02.08.2016
Let me bump this thread I had 3 years ago, I am needing this on my RP script.
Making a unix timestamp readable ; E.G. - Expiration date @ September 2, 2016
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
Vince - 02.08.2016
Let me ask you a question: are you using MySQL? Because if that's the case it's very simple and you can use the inbuilt FROM_UNIXTIME() function. Converting a timestamp using Pawn code is a royal pain in the ass.
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 02.08.2016
Nah I don't use MySQL, I'm using SQLite.. (I am having a hard time working with MySQL)
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
PrO.GameR - 02.08.2016
Use the CTime plugin, No matter how good you write the function to do the change you will probably end up with a date off a day or two.
Re: Unixtimestamp to Readable Date (Days) -
JaKe Elite - 03.08.2016
I will check it out, Thanks.