SQLiteLang - Discussions / Ideas Thread - Printable Version
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SQLiteLang - Discussions / Ideas Thread -
GiamPy. - 05.10.2013
sqlitelang.inc - SQLite based include that easily allows to manipulate multilanguage strings.
"Creating multilanguage gamemodes has never been easier."
Include not yet released.
Hello everyone.
I am currently working on a new include named SQLiteLang. I am not yet releasing it because I am still working on a first release, however I would like to get some ideas and maybe some discussion about it.
First off, to be honest this include is similar to y_language from a certain point of view, however SQLite makes it way more developer-friendly and adds many functions that allow developers to add, modify, delete or manipulate in any possible way the strings in-game!
Developers will be able to make systems to allow users giving a contribute to the server making user-made translations for their own language, for example. These are the functions I am currently planning to create:
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_Initialize(file[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_Terminate()
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_AddIdentifierString(identifier[], description[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_DeleteIdentifier(identifier[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ModifyIdentifierDescription(identifier[], new_desc[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_AddString(identifier[], lang[], string[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_DeleteString(identifier[], lang[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ModifyString(identifier[], lang[], new_string[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_AddLanguage(lang[], description[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_DeleteLanguage(lang[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ModifyLanguage(old_lang[], new_lang[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ModifyLanguageDescription(lang[], new_desc[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ShowLanguageString(identifier[], lang[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_ShowPlayerString(playerid, identifier[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_SetDefaultLang(lang[])
- TODO: SQLiteLang_SetPlayerLang(playerid, lang[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_IsIdentifierValid(identifier[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_IsLanguageValid(lang[])
- (DONE!) SQLiteLang_IsStringValid(identifier[], lang[])
Here's some documentation of the functions I have already made:
pawn Code:
* SQLiteLang_Initialize
* This function declares the name of the database and saves it into a variable (both file and directory).
* If the database does not exist, a new one will be created by default in the folder 'SQLiteLang'.
* optional: file[] ("SQLiteLang/Database.db") = Directory and file name of the database.
* optional: debug (false) = Turning this on will activate the debugging mode.
* SQLiteLang_Terminate
* This function terminates the usage of the include and resets the saved name and directory of the database internally to default.
* SQLiteLang_AddIdentifierString
* This function adds a new string identifier to the database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* description[] = The description of the identifier (ie. "string that welcomes new players in the server").
* SQLiteLang_AddString
* This function adds a new string to the database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* string[] = The string is the actual string of text to show in different languages.
* SQLiteLang_AddLanguage
* This function adds a new language to the database.
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* description[] = The description of the language (ie. "English" or "Italian Language" or "{FFFFFF}Spanish").
* SQLiteLang_DeleteLanguage
* This function deletes a specific language from database.
* Be careful, deleting a language will delete all the language strings already added in the database.
* Furthermore, you may not delete the default language, if set.
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_DeleteIdentifier
* This function deletes all the language strings of a specific identifier from the database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* SQLiteLang_DeleteString
* This function deletes a specific language string of a specific identifier from the database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_ModifyString
* This function modify a specific language string in database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* new_string[] = The string is the new actual string of text to show in different languages that will replace the old one.
* SQLiteLang_ShowLanguageString
* This function shows a specific language string taken from the database.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_ShowPlayerString
* This function shows a specific language string taken from the database.
* playerid = playerid of the player.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* SQLiteLang_SetDefaultLang
* This function sets the default language for users that haven't selected an available language.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_SetPlayerLang
* This function sets the language of a player.
* playerid = playerid of the player.
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_IsIdentifierValid
* This function checks if an identifier exists.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* SQLiteLang_IsLanguageValid
* This function checks if a language exists.
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
* SQLiteLang_IsStringValid
* This function checks if a string already exists.
* identifier[] = The identifier is used to identify, as the parameter says, every string of text (ie. "welcome_string").
* lang[] = The lang is used to identify the language of the string (ie. "en" or "IT" or "spanish").
The include
will be released on GitHub as soon the first (working) release will be ready.
Meanwhile, I would love to have some feedback and discussion about it!
Re: SQLiteLang - Discussions / Ideas Thread -
GiamPy. - 06.10.2013