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Gang zone coordinates - What are I'm doing wrong? - Printable Version

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Gang zone coordinates - What are I'm doing wrong? - davve95 - 04.10.2013


I'm creating gang zones manually now, because I were a bit lazy to
do it manually before so I used a program but it didn't work for a specific area :S..

But anyways: The gang zone area I created manually appears but they always get
to long (Even if I make it squared)...

Photo in attachments.


pawn Код:
Area1T = GangZoneCreate(-423.9102,-1770.2452,-396.8804,-430.0849);
pawn Код:
-423.9102,-1769.5139,4.8675,38.8652 ; [W]estFarm1
-430.0849,-1742.0586,7.4228,25.8305 ; [N]orthFarm1
-396.8804,-1748.0375,8.0289,107.1332 ; [E]ast
-403.9246,-1770.2452,4.7337,49.5420 ; [S]outhFarm1
Edit: Have followed every step from here:

Some issues as I haven't done it before...

Re: Gang zone coordinates - What are I'm doing wrong? - Marshall32 - 04.10.2013

Use an IN-Game zone maker, they work mostly. If you add it manualy by using /save its going to end like that.

Re: Gang zone coordinates - What are I'm doing wrong? - davve95 - 06.10.2013

Aren't there anyway to fix it?.

Are there any good zone maker? In game or program doesn't matter, just some good.

I have already used Exteme vehicle plotter or what it's named but there are some few issues with it.

If it's a in game gang zone maker

I have to get access to the coordinates, because I didn't knew where they were stored when I once tired out a in game zone maker.
It made zones atomatcily, so I didn't knew how to get
access to the coordinates because I need access to them also.

Maybe a bit weird explained but it's hard to explain it..

But I hope you get what I mean.

Sorry for a small bump
but didn't knew if I had more to ask etc.

Re: Gang zone coordinates - What are I'm doing wrong? - -Prodigy- - 06.10.2013

I've used Ryder's In game zone editor and it worked great. Give it a try