[FilterScript] [FS] Zombie - Printable Version
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[FS] Zombie -
vikter - 11.08.2008
http://samp.ql.lt/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=58 there is Zombie fs..its funny script.... theres a amx and pwm files
zombie photo
/zo-build the zombies
/zstart- start zombies
/apocalipsison-that zombies atack people
/apocalipsisoff-that zombies stop atack people
/zclean- delete zombies
sry for my bad english
Re: [FS] Zombie -
Ryder24 - 11.08.2008
not bad ill try it
Re: [FS] Zombie -
nate660 - 11.08.2008
Haha what a newb
Original Creator Zueral_Angel
Re: [FS] Zombie -
lozta1336 - 11.08.2008
cant download ?!?!
Re: [FS] Zombie -
ShadoW_StaH - 11.08.2008
omg this is kinda better then the other 1

thnx mate
Re: [FS] Zombie -
Backwardsman97 - 11.08.2008
How would the zombies look like that.
Re: [FS] Zombie -
sebihunter - 12.08.2008
You stole if from Zueral_Angel and put a HL:Source zombie pic into the description. Idiot
Re: [FS] Zombie -
ThePro - 12.08.2008
YOU STOLE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: [FS] Zombie -
FarePak - 12.08.2008
Lol @ taking the HL:Source zombie.
Re: [FS] Zombie -
Ryder24 - 12.08.2008
Yup he copied im useing the origanal

Im disapointed in you
Re: [FS] Zombie -
Backwardsman97 - 12.08.2008
Originally Posted by Sebihunter
You stole if from Zueral_Angel and put a HL:Source zombie pic into the description. Idiot
Rofl so dumb.
Re: [FS] Zombie -
MiX - 13.08.2008
These idiots from SAMP IN always steal the files of mods and scripts
[FS] Zombie -
[NoV]LaZ - 13.08.2008
Re: [FS] Zombie -
[Jay] - 13.08.2008
Sorry to say,
but you did steal this.
Re: [FS] Zombie -
Bogdan Cirstea - 13.08.2008
anyway it has no use..what can be done with it? "chase" or being chased by zombiz?
[FS] Zombie -
[NoV]LaZ - 13.08.2008
Still Namith, the true creator of this FS worked on it and I like the script and that guy stole it. It's funny and new.
Re: [FS] Zombie -
nate660 - 15.08.2008
Originally Posted by Nate660
I beat you to all of it
Re: [FS] Zombie -
xzzzzx2 - 30.06.2009
Ha lol THANKS even if you stealed it still thanks because this is the v1.4