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Specific SAMP server doesn't run - Printable Version

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Specific SAMP server doesn't run - JohnnyHaviv - 02.10.2013

I'm trying to play the only server I'm currently playing at, which is Italy Mafia Roleplay (remove name if counts as advertising).
I'm unable to login the server, its forums or its sub forums of the server's police department. The server however is up and running perfectly, I can use its forums using my iPhone, other server players who I speak with on xFire are currently playing the server and there's nothing wrong with the server. - Other SAMP servers work for me as well, I can play at them regularly.
It went up for me for a little while, about five minutes, and went off again.

I have restarted my computer and my router, it doesn't seem to solve anything.

Please help me asap, I have no clue what is happening.

Re: Specific SAMP server doesn't run - Zhao - 02.10.2013

Your IP-address may be blocked in their firewall or you might have got caught in a rangeban. Try contacting the administration of the server via mail or other players to find out what's going on.

Re: Specific SAMP server doesn't run - JohnnyHaviv - 02.10.2013

I am close friends with most of the staff team, I spoke to the owner as well via xfire, none of them have a clue regarding what happened. I'm able to login into the forums through my iPhone and I was able to use the server for a few moments some time ago. It went off back again.
I'm not rangebanned and it would be weird if I'm blocked from their firewall. Thanks though, I'll try requesting a check on that.


The server currently works for me, oddly, I request keeping this thread unlocked to a SAMP representative to answer since I still have no idea what caused the issue and it perhaps could happen again.

Thanks in advance.