C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(332) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(369) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
new playerCheckpoint[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = { {-28.100069,-89.627357,1003.5469,3.0}, //69 Cent STore {246.375991,109.245994,1003.218750, 3.0}, //SFPD Exit {1484.7555,-1771.3855,18.7958, 3.0}, //CP_PrisonEnter {1510.011352, -1060.139526, 25.062500, 3.0}, //CP bank Enter {2304.7012,-16.0591,26.7422, 3.0}, //CP BankExit {2311.645019, -4.784075, 26.742187, 3.0}, // Inside Bank {2174.755615, -2249.109130, 13.303812, 3.0}, //Explosives {977.451416, -769.852722, 112.202629, 3.0}, // Admin House Enter {2317.830322, -1026.757690, 1050.217773, 3.0}, //Admin House Exit {1940.014160, -2116.011474, 13.695312, 3.0}, //Sex Shop Enter {-100.511611, -23.429288, 1000.718750, 3.0}, // Sex Shop Exit {-105.566085, -10.617439, 1000.718750, 3.0}, // Sex Shop Counter {1928.582031, -1776.320434, 13.546875, 3.0}, // Gas Station Enter {-10.311285, -178.242904, 1003.546875, 3.0}, // Gas station checkpoint {-26.028060, -187.120574, 1003.546875, 3.0}, // Store one exit {476.096069, -15.185485, 1003.695312, 3.0}, // dance Rob {293.810852, -34.787994, 1001.515625, 3.0}, // Ammunation (Center LS) Robbery Spot {377.797363, -67.435653, 1001.507812, 3.0}, // Burger Shot Robbery Spot {1176.014282, -1323.302246, 14.000391, 3.0}, // Hospital {-201.742660, -23.566627, 1002.273437, 3.0}, // Tatoo Shop {1214.997924, -13.298475, 1000.921875, 3.0}, // Pig Pen Robbery Spot {2034.464721, -1406.565551, 17.205287, 3.0}, // hospital {1440.501220, -2287.199462, 13.546875, 3.0},// Airpot blow cp {363.255249, -2009.069458, 7.835937, 3.0}, // park cp for blow {-31.306764, -28.996454, 1003.557250, 3.0}, // Gas Station Rob {1401.436889, -767.322265, 95.011589, 3.0}, // Vinewood sign blow cp {1526.515136, -1071.242065, 25.062500, 3.0}, // Blow bank CP {2147.707763, -1367.095458, 25.641782, 3.0}, // Drug house cp {203.934204, -40.282241, 1001.804687, 3.0}, // SubUrban robbery checkpoint {207.757797, -98.696815, 1005.257812, 3.0}, // Binco rob {376.704528, -118.806343, 1001.499511, 3.0}, // Pizza place robbery {1642.319335, -2237.777832, 13.498379, 3.0}, // Airport {-1422.704101, -286.657531, 14.148437, 3.0}, // SF Airport cp {1674.765625, 1447.695068, 10.789379, 3.0} // LV Airport }; new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = { {-32.100069,-94.627357,-24.100069,-85.626357}, //69 Cent Store {242.375991, 103.245994, 250.375991, 113.245994},//SFPD Exit {1480.7555,-1777.3855 , 1485.7555, -1766.3855}, //CP_PrisonEnter {1506.011352, -1064.139526, 1514.011352, -1056.139526}, // bank {2300.7012, -24.0591, 2308.7012, -12.0591}, //CP BANK EXIT {2307.645019, -8.784074, 2315.645019, -0.784075}, // Inside Bank {2170.755615, -2253.109130, 2178.755615, -2245.109130}, //Explosives {973.451416, -773.852722, 981.451416, -765.852722}, // Admin House {2313.830322, -1030.757690, 2321.830322, -1022.757690}, //Admin House Exit {1926.014160, -2126.011474, 1950.014160, -2106.011474}, //Sex Shop enter {-114.511611, -33.429290, -90.511611, -13.429288}, // Sex Shop Exit {-119.566085, -20.617439, -95.566085, -0.617439}, // Sex Shop Counter {1914.582031, -1786.320434, 1938.582031, -1766.320434}, // Gas Station Enter {-24.311285, -188.242904, -0.311285, -168.242904}, // Gas station checkpoint {-40.028060, -197.120574, -16.028060, -177.120574}, // Store one exit {462.096069, -25.185485, 486.096069, -5.185485}, // dance Rob {279.810852, -44.787994, 303.810852, -24.787994}, // Ammunation (Center LS) Robbery Spot {363.797363, -77.435653, 387.797363, -57.435653}, // Burger Shot Robbery Spot {1166.014282, -1333.302246, 1186.014282, -1313.302246}, // Hospital {-211.742660, -33.566627, -191.742660, -13.566627}, // Tatoo Shop {1204.997924, -23.298475, 1224.997924, -3.298475}, // Pig Pen Robbery Spot {2024.464721, -1416.565551, 2044.464721, -1396.565551},// hospital {1430.501220, -2297.199462, 1450.501220, -2277.199462}, // Airpot blow cp {353.255249, -2019.069458, 373.255249, -1999.069458}, // park cp for blow {-41.306762, -38.996452, -21.306764, -18.996454}, // Gas Station Rob {1391.436889, -777.322265, 1411.436889, -757.322265}, // Vinewood sign blow cp {1516.515136, -1081.242065, 1536.515136, -1061.242065}, // Blow bank CP {2137.707763, -1377.095458, 2157.707763, -1357.095458}, // Drug house cp {193.934204, -50.282241, 213.934204, -30.282241}, // SubUrban robbery checkpoint {197.757797, -108.696815, 217.757797, -88.696815}, // Binco rob {366.704528, -128.806335, 386.704528, -108.806343}, // Pizza place robbery {1592.319335, -2287.777832, 1692.319335, -2187.777832}, // Airport {-1472.704101, -336.657531, -1372.704101, -236.657531}, // SF Airport cp {1624.765625, 1397.695068, 1724.765625, 1497.695068} // LV Airport };
new playerCheckpoint[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = { {-28.100069,-89.627357,1003.5469,3.0}, //69 Cent STore {246.375991,109.245994,1003.218750, 3.0}, //SFPD Exit {1484.7555,-1771.3855,18.7958, 3.0}, //CP_PrisonEnter {1510.011352, -1060.139526, 25.062500, 3.0}, //CP bank Enter {2304.7012,-16.0591,26.7422, 3.0}, //CP BankExit {2311.645019, -4.784075, 26.742187, 3.0}, // Inside Bank {2174.755615, -2249.109130, 13.303812, 3.0}, //Explosives {977.451416, -769.852722, 112.202629, 3.0}, // Admin House Enter {2317.830322, -1026.757690, 1050.217773, 3.0}, //Admin House Exit {1940.014160, -2116.011474, 13.695312, 3.0}, //Sex Shop Enter {-100.511611, -23.429288, 1000.718750, 3.0}, // Sex Shop Exit {-105.566085, -10.617439, 1000.718750, 3.0}, // Sex Shop Counter {1928.582031, -1776.320434, 13.546875, 3.0}, // Gas Station Enter {-10.311285, -178.242904, 1003.546875, 3.0}, // Gas station checkpoint {-26.028060, -187.120574, 1003.546875, 3.0}, // Store one exit {476.096069, -15.185485, 1003.695312, 3.0}, // dance Rob {293.810852, -34.787994, 1001.515625, 3.0}, // Ammunation (Center LS) Robbery Spot {377.797363, -67.435653, 1001.507812, 3.0}, // Burger Shot Robbery Spot {1176.014282, -1323.302246, 14.000391, 3.0}, // Hospital {-201.742660, -23.566627, 1002.273437, 3.0}, // Tatoo Shop {2486.337646, -1644.873291, 14.077178, 3.0}, // House 1 {235.373641, 1186.680053, 1080.257812, 3.0}, // House 1 Exit {1980.387695, -1719.006713, 17.030405, 3.0}, // House2Enter {228.089996, 1114.303955, 1080.992187, 3.0}, // House2 Exit {280.929382, -1767.145751, 4.546875, 3.0}, // House3enter {223.038757, 1288.227294, 1082.140625, 3.0}, // House3Exit {189.641677, -1308.114135, 70.249511, 3.0}, // House4Enter {24.116802, 1340.033691, 1084.375000, 3.0}, // House4Exit {352.405242, -1197.921020, 76.515625, 3.0}, // House5Enter {22.747611, 1404.215698, 1084.429687, 3.0}, // House5Exit inside {989.783447, -828.658874, 95.468574, 3.0}, // House 6 enter {447.005004, 1397.073608, 1084.304687, 3.0}, // House Exit to outside {1094.829467, -647.912902, 113.648437, 3.0}, // House 7 enter {234.166671, 1065.024414, 1084.210327, 3.0}, // House 7 Exit {2090.942626, -1277.854370, 26.179687, 3.0}, // House 8 enter loc {2259.523193, -1135.836303, 1050.632812, 3.0},// House 8 Exit Cp (THIS ONE) {2111.024902, -1244.397460, 25.851562, 3.0}, // House9Enter {2467.589111, -1698.400024, 1013.507812, 3.0}, // House 9 Exit CP {1214.997924, -13.298475, 1000.921875, 3.0}, // Pig Pen Robbery Spot {2034.464721, -1406.565551, 17.205287, 3.0}, // hospital {1440.501220, -2287.199462, 13.546875, 3.0},// Airpot blow cp {363.255249, -2009.069458, 7.835937, 3.0}, // park cp for blow {-31.306764, -28.996454, 1003.557250, 3.0}, // Gas Station Rob {1401.436889, -767.322265, 95.011589, 3.0}, // Vinewood sign blow cp {1526.515136, -1071.242065, 25.062500, 3.0}, // Blow bank CP {2147.707763, -1367.095458, 25.641782, 3.0}, // Drug house cp {203.934204, -40.282241, 1001.804687, 3.0}, // SubUrban robbery checkpoint {207.757797, -98.696815, 1005.257812, 3.0}, // Binco rob {376.704528, -118.806343, 1001.499511, 3.0}, // Pizza place robbery {1642.319335, -2237.777832, 13.498379, 3.0}, // Airport {-1422.704101, -286.657531, 14.148437, 3.0}, // SF Airport cp {1674.765625, 1447.695068, 10.789379, 3.0} // LV Airport }; new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = { {-32.100069,-94.627357,-24.100069,-85.626357}, //69 Cent Store {242.375991, 103.245994, 250.375991, 113.245994},//SFPD Exit {1480.7555,-1777.3855 , 1485.7555, -1766.3855}, //CP_PrisonEnter {1506.011352, -1064.139526, 1514.011352, -1056.139526}, // bank {2300.7012, -24.0591, 2308.7012, -12.0591}, //CP BANK EXIT {2307.645019, -8.784074, 2315.645019, -0.784075}, // Inside Bank {2170.755615, -2253.109130, 2178.755615, -2245.109130}, //Explosives {973.451416, -773.852722, 981.451416, -765.852722}, // Admin House {2313.830322, -1030.757690, 2321.830322, -1022.757690}, //Admin House Exit {1926.014160, -2126.011474, 1950.014160, -2106.011474}, //Sex Shop enter {-114.511611, -33.429290, -90.511611, -13.429288}, // Sex Shop Exit {-119.566085, -20.617439, -95.566085, -0.617439}, // Sex Shop Counter {1914.582031, -1786.320434, 1938.582031, -1766.320434}, // Gas Station Enter {-24.311285, -188.242904, -0.311285, -168.242904}, // Gas station checkpoint {-40.028060, -197.120574, -16.028060, -177.120574}, // Store one exit {462.096069, -25.185485, 486.096069, -5.185485}, // dance Rob {279.810852, -44.787994, 303.810852, -24.787994}, // Ammunation (Center LS) Robbery Spot {363.797363, -77.435653, 387.797363, -57.435653}, // Burger Shot Robbery Spot {1166.014282, -1333.302246, 1186.014282, -1313.302246}, // Hospital {-211.742660, -33.566627, -191.742660, -13.566627}, // Tatoo Shop {2476.337646, -1654.873291, 2496.337646, -1634.873291}, // House 1 {225.373641, 1176.680053, 245.373641, 1196.680053}, // House 1 Exit {1970.387695, -1729.006713, 1990.387695, -1709.006713}, // House2Enter {218.089996, 1104.303955, 238.089996, 1124.303955}, // House2 Exit {270.929382, -1777.145751, 290.929382, -1757.145751}, // House3enter {213.038757, 1278.227294, 233.038757, 1298.227294}, // House3Exit {179.641677, -1318.114135, 199.641677, -1298.114135}, // House4Enter {14.116802, 1330.033691, 34.116802, 1350.033691}, // House4Exit {342.405242, -1207.921020, 362.405242, -1187.921020}, // House5Enter {12.747611, 1394.215698, 32.747611, 1414.215698}, // House5Exit inside {979.783447, -838.658874, 999.783447, -818.658874}, // House 6 enter {437.005004, 1387.073608, 457.005004, 1407.073608}, // House Exit to outside {1084.829467, -657.912902, 1104.829467, -637.912902}, // House 7 enter {224.166671, 1055.024414, 244.166671, 1075.024414}, // House 7 Exit {2080.942626, -1287.854370, 2100.942626, -1267.854370}, // House 8 enter loc {2249.523193, -1145.836303, 2269.523193, -1125.836303}, // House 8 Exit Cp (THIS ONE) {2101.024902, -1254.397460, 2121.024902, -1234.397460}, // House9Enter {2457.589111, -1708.400024, 2477.589111, -1688.400024}, // House 9 Exit CP {1204.997924, -23.298475, 1224.997924, -3.298475}, // Pig Pen Robbery Spot {2024.464721, -1416.565551, 2044.464721, -1396.565551},// hospital {1430.501220, -2297.199462, 1450.501220, -2277.199462}, // Airpot blow cp {353.255249, -2019.069458, 373.255249, -1999.069458}, // park cp for blow {-41.306762, -38.996452, -21.306764, -18.996454}, // Gas Station Rob {1391.436889, -777.322265, 1411.436889, -757.322265}, // Vinewood sign blow cp {1516.515136, -1081.242065, 1536.515136, -1061.242065}, // Blow bank CP {2137.707763, -1377.095458, 2157.707763, -1357.095458}, // Drug house cp {193.934204, -50.282241, 213.934204, -30.282241}, // SubUrban robbery checkpoint {197.757797, -108.696815, 217.757797, -88.696815}, // Binco rob {366.704528, -128.806335, 386.704528, -108.806343}, // Pizza place robbery {1592.319335, -2287.777832, 1692.319335, -2187.777832}, // Airport {-1472.704101, -336.657531, -1372.704101, -236.657531}, // SF Airport cp {1624.765625, 1397.695068, 1724.765625, 1497.695068} // LV Airport };
C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(301) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(332) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(338) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(369) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Users\Henk\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(406) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 5 Errors.
dus zo:
#define MAX_POINTS 4 hij stond op #define MAX_POINTS 52 |
Nee, je moet het aantal regels die de array bevat tellen, wat je nu hebt gedaan is alle array dimensies tellen.
C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1232) : error 004: function "ResetGVars" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1325) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1327) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1330) : error 017: undefined symbol "LogPlayer" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1332) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1335) : error 017: undefined symbol "RegisterPlayer" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1371) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1372) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1373) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1377) : error 004: function "RemoveVariables" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1385) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1393) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1396) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1451) : error 017: undefined symbol "SelectSkill" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1461) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1492) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1496) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1502) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1504) : error 004: function "DecreaseScore" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1512) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1515) : error 004: function "DecreaseScore" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1520) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1523) : error 004: function "DecreaseScore" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1528) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1531) : error 004: function "IncreaseScore" is not implemented C:\Users\***\Desktop\zombiw\gamemodes\1.2.pwn(1537) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors.