Saving into sqlite. -
Unri - 27.09.2013
Hello, i just want to save one value into db with SQLite, but i dont know how to write the save command. Its reading them fine, if that makes a difference. :S
This is what i tried.
stock SaveFactoryDB()
new query[512];
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Factory` SET `fMineral` = '%s', WHERE `ffid` = '1'", FactoryInfo[1][fMineral]);
db_query(FactoryDB, query);
return 0;
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Dragonsaurus - 27.09.2013
If you are using zcmd:
pawn Код:
CMD:savefactory(playerid, params[])
return 1;
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Konstantinos - 27.09.2013
That query won't be executed correctly because of the error in the syntax. It also can be improved a little bit and the most important - use DB_Escape to prevent SQL Injection.
pawn Код:
query[ 48 + /* fMineral's max size */ ]
format( query, sizeof( query ), "UPDATE Factory SET fMineral = '%s' WHERE ffid = 1", DB_Escape( FactoryInfo[ 1 ][ fMineral ] ) );
pawn Код:
stock DB_Escape(text[])
ret[80 * 2],
while ((ch = text[i++]) && j < sizeof (ret))
if (ch == '\'')
if (j < sizeof (ret) - 2)
ret[j++] = '\'';
ret[j++] = '\'';
else if (j < sizeof (ret))
ret[j++] = ch;
ret[sizeof (ret) - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Pottus - 27.09.2013
Ya you fucked up your query here....
Should be:
pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Factory` SET `fMineral` = '%s' WHERE `ffid` = '1'", FactoryInfo[1][fMineral]);
And of course as Konstantinos said use DB_escape() you may not always need to use it only when there is actual input but it's typically good practice to use it anytime your dealing with strings.
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Unri - 27.09.2013
Its working now, but when it gets saved back into db, it gets saved as some question mark or a letter sometimes. No idea where the problem is now. It gets read as a number, used as a number and saved as some symbol? wtf
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Pottus - 27.09.2013
lol looks like your trying to save integer as a string use this...
pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Factory` SET `fMineral` = '%i' WHERE `ffid` = '1'", FactoryInfo[1][fMineral]);
You won't need DB_Escape()
Re: Saving into sqlite. -
Unri - 27.09.2013
I love you. Finally, after 3 days of staring at the screen, i can proceed at that annoying gm im making..