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Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - Printable Version

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Help me - Charlos - 26.09.2013

My Vehicle Ownereship Can only owner up to 2 cars about for real it can own up to 5! So If possible I want to make it people in my server can own up to 15 cars but I don't know where is the place to edit?Maybe there is some type of key word we can find with ctrl f?
Or maybe you can help me with it just add me on skype
Charles~Moses Jefri

Re: Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - Charlos - 26.09.2013

Can anyone help me?

Re: Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - CrossWindGaming - 26.09.2013

Search for MAX_PLAYERVEHICLES and that should give you a start by changing that value

Re: Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - iZN - 26.09.2013

Stop bumping. There should be any variable for the owner thing. Search for it

Re: Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - Charlos - 26.09.2013

Nope Didn't work there is only #define MAX_PLYVEH_RATIO (500) // per player.

Re: Dynamic Vehicle ownership Help - Charlos - 26.09.2013

Please help me