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Probem with creating object... - Printable Version

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Probem with creating object... - Dusan01 - 25.09.2013

Hi guys, im crating 1 system, so i wanna to create objects when i turn on my server so here is problem:

i have this:
for(new b = 0; b < sizeof(DI); b++)
new gFile[35];
new kucestring[500];
		format(gFile, 50, "LSystems/imanja/drva/Drvo_%d.ini" ,b);
			INI_ParseFile(gFile, "UcitajDrvo", .bExtra = true, .extra = b);
				if(DI[b][dPostavljeno] == 1)
     	         DI[b][dObjd] = CreateDynamicObject(591, DI[b][dDrvoX],DI[b][dDrvoY],DI[b][dDrvoZ], 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000);
	            printf(" Y_INI | Drvo %d ucitano",b);
so that is under OnGameModeInit and here is file Drvo_2.ini
dDrvoX = -2420.948486
dDrvoY = 539.294494
dDrvoZ = 30.382812
dObjd = 16033
dPostavljeno = 1
and dont wanna to create that object

and i know to that file is loaded in my server_log.txt write [19:20:59] Y_INI | Drvo 2 ucitano

Re: Probem with creating object... - Dusan01 - 26.09.2013