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Randomly banned?! - Printable Version

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Randomly banned?! - Don_Cage - 22.09.2013

Sometimes a player gets randomly banned. It doesnt show anything in ban logs,files or even his user file and it also doesnt show the message etc that he have been banned. It only shows the defult samp ban message when he try to login "You are banned from this server" in grey color. What could be the problem?

Re: Randomly banned?! - JimmyCh - 22.09.2013

If there's nothing in the script like Ban(playerid) or whatever that is bugged, then it's a problem we all have sometimes on servers.
Mostly, when you try reconnecting to the server, it enters the game.
I've had this sometimes not long ago, and all I did was either wait till it unbugs itself, or I use a proxy.. Somehow the player IP gets bugged but I have no idea why.

Anyway, if they try entering again many times and it doesn't work, open their user file, copy everything from it, make a new file with their same name and paste there.
I have no idea why but this technique worked with me before.

Good luck!

Re: Randomly banned?! - Don_Cage - 22.09.2013

Ok, well. I don't have any Ban(playerid); in my script. I use variable to store the ban in the user file. Or SendRconCommand to ban ip

Re: Randomly banned?! - JimmyCh - 22.09.2013

I don't think it's a problem with the script though, maybe a SA-MP bug.
Anyway, if it bans them permanantly, unban them from samp.ban ..
If they can login after reconnecting, it's just a bug.

Else if user file doesn't show they are bugged, and they are not banned from samp.ban and they still can't connect, either they use a proxy or get the info from user file and paste it in a new .ini file with their name, and it's fixed.
Good luck!

Re: Randomly banned?! - ZackBlunt - 22.09.2013

We got the same problem, but mostly occours on the same players over and over, no idea why they get targeted tho.. Just glad its not only us ^^.

Re: Randomly banned?! - Swyft™ - 22.09.2013

Search for
pawn Код:
It is not called Ban(playerid), It is called BanEx, so search if there's any BanEx in your server.

Re: Randomly banned?! - DanishHaq - 22.09.2013

Originally Posted by Swyft™
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Search for
pawn Код:
It is not called Ban(playerid), It is called BanEx, so search if there's any BanEx in your server.
It's both actually.. so rephrasing your post:

There's another function called BanEx, so search if there's any BanEx in your GM.

Re: Randomly banned?! - Swyft™ - 22.09.2013

Really? Everytime I use Ban(playerid) I get errors lol..... So I thought it just, never existed.

Re: Randomly banned?! - DanishHaq - 22.09.2013

Originally Posted by Swyft™
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Really? Everytime I use Ban(playerid) I get errors lol..... So I thought it just, never existed.
Yep, really:,