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Help Mapping PRESSING - Printable Version

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Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 21.09.2013

Good afternoon / evening,

My problem is that my mappings takes time to load I change several times but nothing streamer you have an idea please?

Plugins: Streamer incognito

Thank you for your help.

FYI: I come from the French part of SAMP Forum
Because there it not respond quickly
Thank you for your help

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

UP !

Re: Help Mapping PRESSING - Patrick - 22.09.2013

Increase the .Streamdistance of the object

Streamer Native and Functions
pawn Код:
native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 200.0);

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

He was already increased it was a 300 I put 200 is good?

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

Actually the thing is that when I approach the map appears or disappears ..

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

UP !

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013


Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

UP AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 22.09.2013

Up ! :@

Re : Help Mapping PRESSING - Baris60 - 23.09.2013