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Plugin problem (I think?) - Printable Version

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Plugin problem (I think?) - spanker - 20.09.2013

I'm trying to start my server. I'm doing everything right, I know that however this is what I keep getting:

cript[gamemodes/clarp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

(Clarp.amx is the game mode's name.)

I've been working for seven hours straight trying to find a fix but I've not found one. I understand it has something to do with plugins. The only plugins I have are:


Am I missing files?


Re: Plugin problem (I think?) - jakejohnsonusa - 20.09.2013

Well, in most cases that means somthing is wrong/not compiled correctly/missing.

Does it compile without errors? If so, try the crash detect plugin.

Re: Plugin problem (I think?) - DavidLuango - 20.09.2013

Those usually occurs because - Your plugin might have not loaded.

If you're using mysql function download mysql plugin too.

or you've forgot main() in your gamemode. Or you've got real messed up gamemode.

Re: Plugin problem (I think?) - spanker - 20.09.2013

It compiles without errors. Yes. And the crash detect plugin didn't really help much. It asked me re-compile it and I've done so.