How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
RafaelZam - 20.09.2013
How to add more
Colors in a Cmd or Dialog or a simple line
Hello everyone, today i will teach you something...Maybe you know it but, it's good for newbies
well ! this tutorial is simple !
(if my english is bad, please, someone send a private message with the correction please)*
well this is my first tutorial so i need to say somethig>!!!!
Hi mon ! i won
did you see?
well, continuing with the tutorial
firstly than nothing we need Hexadecimal Colors codes !
so we can find more colors
well i will show you the primary colors
{ "BLUE", "1B1BE0" },
{ "PINK", "E81CC9" },
{ "YELLOW", "DBED15" },
{ "LIGHTGREEN", "8CED15" },
{ "LIGHTBLUE", "15D4ED" },
{ "RED", "FF0000" },
{ "GREY", "BABABA" },
{ "WHITE", "FFFFFF" },
{ "ORANGE", "DB881A" },
{ "GREEN", "37DB45" },
{ "PURPLE", "7340DB" }
How to add it in a command or dialog?
Simple we will do this (just an example)
pawn Code:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "did you know that this is the best server?");
here the message will be write but...!!! if we add something like this
pawn Code:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "did you know that this is the {37DB45}best{FFFFFF} server?");//there we will add the Hexadecimal Code to get a color in a word
[pawn] well here the message will be write, but only "best" will be green color
I will to another example
pawn Code:
CMD:tips(playerid, params[])
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "_________{DB881A}TIPS{FFFFFF}_____________");// here ONLY "tips" will be orange color
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Don't {37DB45}download{FFFFFF}/{7340DB}watch{FFFFFF} {FF0000}porn{FFFFFF} while you're playing thats cause lag"); // here "download" will be Green color and watch will be purple also Porn will be RED color
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Do it your Homework before play here");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "get {BABABA}GTA V{FFFFFF} and go home");// here only GTA v will be grey color
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "did you know that this is the best server?");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "____~b~~h~S~r~A~b~ M ~g~P ~w~F ~r~O ~g~R ~b~U~w~ M~b~ S____");// this are other code get more colors but better is {FFFFFF} hexadecimal codes
return 1;
So if you want add more colors just add {FFFFFF} hexadecimal CODES and you will get more colors in a line !
sorry if my english is bad
have a good night
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
BoU3A - 20.09.2013
good tut. keep up
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
RafaelZam - 20.09.2013
Thank you C: !!!
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
Voxel - 26.09.2013
Really nice! thanks
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
iZN - 26.09.2013
What? Tutorial for adding HEX codes, are you kidding me? Who doesn't knows how to do that.
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
Voxel - 26.09.2013
Originally Posted by iZN
What? Tutorial for adding HEX codes, are you kidding me? Who doesn't knows how to do that.
How about beginning scripters :P?
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
iZN - 26.09.2013
Originally Posted by Voxel
How about beginning scripters :P?
Everybody knows that, is this so FUCKING HARD ? To add a {FFFFFF} ? Seriously.
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
Voxel - 26.09.2013
Originally Posted by iZN
Everybody knows that, is this so FUCKING HARD ? To add a {FFFFFF} ? Seriously.
So did you know this the first time you laid eyes on pawno? i sure didnt :\ or it might just be me lol
Respuesta: Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
RafaelZam - 04.10.2013
Originally Posted by iZN
Everybody knows that, is this so FUCKING HARD ? To add a {FFFFFF} ? Seriously.
not everybody knows !
scotty doesn't know D :!
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
DouglasRamirez - 05.10.2013
Originally Posted by iZN
What? Tutorial for adding HEX codes, are you kidding me? Who doesn't knows how to do that.
Well, I just know it now :3
Re: How To add more colors in a Command/dialog -
Godde - 22.02.2015
Anyways Nice