C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(84) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(85) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(100) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(160) : error 052: multi-dimensional arrays must be fully initialized
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(180) : error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-"
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(180) : error 017: undefined symbol "N"
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(180) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\Minegame.pwn(180) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
8 Errors.
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\DontGetWet.pwn(420) : error 001: expected token: "*/", but found "-end of file-"
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\DontGetWet.pwn(420) : error 013: no entry point (no public functions)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
2 Errors.
Mano meu amigo mim passo um site, tabulador.medianewsonline.com , Fui usar ele e deu uma chave, tirei essa chave й tiro todos os errors e so sobraram esses 2
PHP код:
As linhas vгo ate 419, nгo tem 420 Tenha paciencia pa mim ajudar pfv pq burro e foda kk |
/* este code й inutil */ |
//este code й inutil |
Amigo vc ja viu isso em algum lugar? este sinal (/*) й como n sei explicar a diferenзa entre os 2, ambos tem a mesma finalidade... E vendo o erro, diz la "*/" vб atй a linha 420 e axe esse */ e deleta ele, sу ele e veja o q deu, se tiver mais algum erro posta ai!
C:\Users\Helbim\Desktop\DontGetWet.pwn(421) : error 013: no entry point (no public functions)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.
Tipo, eu ja tirei uma chave /* e so deu esses 2 error, й tirei a /* do comeзo tambйm, й deu foi 10 errors, ai coloquei ela denovo no comeзo
#Edit Coloquei essa chave na linha 420 й agora so tem um error PHP код:
/* ________________________________
__,__ ( )
.--. .-" "-. .--. ( Monky fix, good now, happy be!)
/ .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \ ( Keep the credits! )
| | '| / Y \ |' | | / ( )
\ '- ,\.-"`` ``"-./, -' / /
`'-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-'` /
.--'| \._ _ _./ |'--.
/` \ \.-. / / `\
/ '._/ |-' _.' \
/ ; /--~' | \
/ .'\|.-\--. \ \
/ .'-. /.-.;\ |\|'~'-.|\ \
\ `-./`|_\_/ ` `\'. \
'. ; ___) '.`; /
'-.,_ ; ___) \/ /
\ ``'------'\ \ ` /
'. \ '. | ;/_
___> '. \_ _ _/ , '--.
.' '. .-~~~~~-. / |--'`~~-. \
// / .---'/ .-~~-._/ / / /---..__.' /
((_(_/ / / (_(_(_(---.__ .'
| | _ `~~`
| | \'.
\ '....' |
#Name: [FilterScript]Don't Get Wet
#Author: iMonk3y
#Release Date: 31/01/2011
¤ zcmd - Zeex (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=91354)
¤ foreach - ****** (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=92679)
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <foreach>
#define isodd(%1) \
((%1) & 0x01)
#define iseven(%1) \
#define ALL_PLAYERS 200 //Define number of players on your server
#define MAX_SLOTS 54 //Don't change this
#define PRIZE_MONEY 10000
#define LIME 0x88AA62FF
#define RULE 0xFBDF89AA
#define ORANGE 0xDB881AAA
#define COL_LIME \
#define COL_WHITE \
#define COL_RULE \
#define COL_ORANGE \
forward SpeedUp( object, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
forward RespawnPlayer( player );
forward MinigameWinner( player );
forward MinigameCountdown( );
forward MinigameUpdate( );
forward EndMinigame( );
new bool:Minigamer_[ALL_PLAYERS char];
new inProgress, uTimer;
new Objects_[2][MAX_SLOTS];
new pWeaponData[ALL_PLAYERS][13];
new pSavedAmmo[ALL_PLAYERS][13];
new Float:pCoords[ALL_PLAYERS][3];
new pInterior[ALL_PLAYERS];
new Iterator:_Minigamer <MAX_SLOTS>;
new Iterator:_Objects <MAX_SLOTS>;
new pReadyText[4][64] =
"~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~y~stand by...",
"~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~y~get Ready!",
"~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~y~are you ready?",
"~n~ ~n~ ~n~ ~y~ready to get wet?"
new pFellOffText[5][28] =
"~n~ ~r~hosed",
"~n~ ~r~all wet",
"~n~ ~r~no swimming",
"~n~ ~r~you're drowning!",
"~n~ ~r~water... baaad!"
new Float:gCoords[MAX_SLOTS][3] = {
{ -5309.198120,-199.052383,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-195.786071,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-192.510620,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-189.250564,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-185.987960,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-182.727081,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-179.463394,22.593704 },
{ -5309.198120,-176.205261,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-176.205261,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-179.468795,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-182.737884,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-185.989654,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-189.259185,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-192.518615,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-195.785491,22.593704 },
{ -5304.841796,-199.054733,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-199.054733,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-195.782165,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-192.531250,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-189.274765,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-186.003005,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-182.735229,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-179.471069,22.593704 },
{ -5300.489990,-176.208007,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-176.208007,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-179.479248,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-182.744735,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-186.002944,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-189.274505,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-192.533691,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-195.788970,22.593704 },
{ -5296.138061,-199.048782,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-199.050140,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-195.790634,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-192.542922,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-189.277542,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-186.013275,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-182.742355,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-179.475021,22.593704 },
{ -5291.776000,-176.215805,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-176.215805,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-179.485168,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-182.739608,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-186.016723,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-189.277816,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-192.539001,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-195.796325,22.593704 },
{ -5287.432250,-199.053771,22.593704 },
{ -5287.431274,-202.320648,22.593704 },
{ -5291.781616,-202.320648,22.593704 },
{ -5296.136718,-202.320648,22.593704 },
{ -5300.493652,-202.320648,22.593704 },
{ -5304.848876,-202.320648,22.593704 },
{ -5309.201660,-202.320648,22.593704 }
public OnFilterScriptInit( )
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit( )
if( inProgress > 0 ) EndMinigame( );
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
new str[128];
if( Minigamer_{ playerid } == true )
if( inProgress > 1 )
format( str, sizeof( str ), "* %s "COL_RULE"has dropped out of "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_RULE" minigame, "COL_LIME"rank %d", PlayerName( playerid ), Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) );
SendClientMessageToAll( LIME, str );
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, playerid );
Minigamer_{ playerid } = false;
if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) < 2 )
foreach(_Minigamer, i ) MinigameWinner( i );
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, playerid );
Minigamer_{ playerid } = false;
return 1;
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
new str[128];
if( Minigamer_{ playerid } == true )
if( inProgress > 1 )
format( str, sizeof( str ), "* %s "COL_RULE"has dropped out of "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_RULE" minigame, "COL_LIME"rank %d", PlayerName( playerid ), Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) );
SendClientMessageToAll( LIME, str );
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, playerid );
Minigamer_{ playerid } = false;
if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) < 2 )
foreach(_Minigamer, i ) MinigameWinner( i );
SendClientMessage( playerid, LIME, "Your sign up for "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_LIME" minigame has been cancelled." );
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, playerid );
Minigamer_{ playerid } = false;
return 1;
CMD:getwet( playerid, params[] )
if( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, LIME, "Command is temporary disabled because you're wasted." );
else if( Minigamer_{ playerid } != false )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, LIME, "You have already signed up for "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_LIME" minigame." );
else if( inProgress > 1 )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, ORANGE, "Don't Get Wet "COL_LIME"minigame is currently in progress, please wait." );
else if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) > MAX_SLOTS-1 )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, ORANGE,"Don't Get Wet "COL_LIME"minigame is already full. Please wait untill it ends." );
if( inProgress < 1 )
if( strcmp( params, "1", true ) == 0 )
else if( strcmp( params, "2", true ) == 0 )
else return SendClientMessage( playerid, WHITE, "Use: /getwet [1 or 2]" );
new str[128];
Minigamer_{ playerid } = true;
Iter_Add(_Minigamer, playerid );
format( str, sizeof( str ), "Don't Get Wet v.%i.0 "COL_RULE"minigame will start in 20 seconds. Type "COL_ORANGE"/getwet "COL_RULE"to join!", strval(params) );
SendClientMessageToAll( ORANGE, str );
SetTimer( "MinigameCountdown", 20000, 0 );
for( new i; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
//The object (window) is only visible from one side
Objects_[0][i] = CreateObject( 1649, gCoords[i][0], gCoords[i][1], gCoords[i][2], -90.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 150.0 );
if(!VIEW_FROM_ABOVE) //In case /getwet 2, we need to multiply number of objects and turn them around so players would be able to see them from below
Objects_[1][i] = CreateObject( 1649, gCoords[i][0], gCoords[i][1], gCoords[i][2], -270.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 150.0 );
Iter_Add(_Objects, i );
inProgress = 1;
Minigamer_{ playerid } = true;
Iter_Add(_Minigamer, playerid );
SendClientMessage( playerid, RULE,"You have signed up for "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet "COL_RULE"minigame." );
return 1;
public MinigameCountdown( )
if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) < 2 ) //End minigame if there aren't enough sign ups
SendClientMessageToAll( LIME,"There wasn't enough players to start "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_LIME" minigame." );
foreach(_Minigamer, i) Minigamer_{ i } = false;
return EndMinigame( );
if( inProgress != 2 )
new spot;
foreach(_Minigamer, i )
GetPlayerPos( i, pCoords[i][0], pCoords[i][1], pCoords[i][2]);
pInterior[i] = GetPlayerInterior( i );
for( new a; a < 13; a++ )
GetPlayerWeaponData( i, a, pWeaponData[i][a], pSavedAmmo[i][a] );
ResetPlayerWeapons( i );
SetPlayerInterior( i, 0 );
spot = Iter_Random(_Objects );
GameTextForPlayer( i, pReadyText[ random( sizeof( pReadyText ) ) ], 2050, 3 );
Iter_Remove(_Objects, spot );
SetPlayerCameraPos( i, -5298.4814,-218.4391,42.1386);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt( i, -5298.1616,-189.6903,23.6564);
TogglePlayerControllable( i, false );
SetPlayerPos( i, gCoords[spot][0], gCoords[spot][1], gCoords[spot][2] +0.5 );
for( new i; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ ) Iter_Add(_Objects, i );
SetTimer( "MinigameCountdown", 2000, 0 );
inProgress = 2;
foreach(_Minigamer, i )
SetCameraBehindPlayer( i );
PlayerPlaySound( i, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
TogglePlayerControllable( i, true );
uTimer = SetTimer( "MinigameUpdate", 2500, 1 );
return 1;
public MinigameUpdate( )
if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) < 1 ) return EndMinigame( );
new str[128], Float:playerx, Float:playery, Float:playerz[ALL_PLAYERS];
foreach(_Minigamer, i )
GetPlayerPos( i, playerx, playery, playerz[i] );
if( playerz[i] < 2.0 ) //Checks if player is in the water
format( str, sizeof( str ), "* %s "COL_RULE"has dropped out of "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet"COL_RULE" minigame, "COL_LIME"rank %d", PlayerName( i ), Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) );
SendClientMessageToAll( LIME, str );
GameTextForPlayer( i, pFellOffText[ random( sizeof( pFellOffText ) ) ], 2500, 3 );
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, i );
Minigamer_{ i } = false;
RespawnPlayer( i );
if( Iter_Count(_Minigamer ) < 2 )
foreach(_Minigamer, i ) MinigameWinner( i );
new objectid, Float:ObjectX, Float:ObjectY, Float:ObjectZ;
foreach(_Objects, i )
if( isodd( random( 10 ) ) )
GetObjectPos( Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ );
MoveObject( Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -1.5, 0.2 );
MoveObject( Objects_[1][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -1.5, 0.2 );
GetObjectPos( Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ );
MoveObject( Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ +1.5, 0.2 );
MoveObject( Objects_[1][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ +1.5, 0.2 );
objectid = Iter_Random(_Objects );
GetObjectPos( Objects_[0][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ );
SetTimerEx("SpeedUp", 500, 0, "ifff", objectid, ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ);
MoveObject( Objects_[0][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -5, 1 );
MoveObject( Objects_[1][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -5, 1 );
Iter_Remove(_Objects, objectid );
return 1;
public SpeedUp( object, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z )
MoveObject( Objects_[0][object], x, y, z -150, 20 );
MoveObject( Objects_[1][object], x, y, z -150, 20 );
foreach(_Minigamer, i ) PlayerPlaySound( i, 1039, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
public EndMinigame( )
for( new i; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
DestroyObject( Objects_[0][i] );
DestroyObject( Objects_[1][i] );
inProgress = 0;
Iter_Clear(_Objects );
Iter_Clear(_Minigamer );
KillTimer( uTimer );
return 1;
public MinigameWinner( player )
new str[128];
format( str, sizeof( str ), "* %s "COL_RULE"has won "COL_ORANGE"Don't Get Wet "COL_RULE"minigame!", PlayerName( player ) );
SendClientMessageToAll( LIME, str );
GivePlayerMoney( player, PRIZE_MONEY );
Minigamer_{ player } = false;
Iter_Remove(_Minigamer, player );
SetTimerEx( "RespawnPlayer", 1400, 0, "i", player );
SetTimer( "EndMinigame", 1700, 0);
public RespawnPlayer ( player )
for( new i = 12; i > -1; i-- )
GivePlayerWeapon( player, pWeaponData[player][i], pSavedAmmo[player][i] );
SetPlayerPos( player, pCoords[player][0], pCoords[player][1], pCoords[player][2] );
SetPlayerInterior( player, pInterior[player] );
SetCameraBehindPlayer( player );
stock PlayerName( playerid )
GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );
return Name;
Amigo vc ja viu isso em algum lugar? este sinal (/*) й como n sei explicar a diferenзa entre os 2, ambos tem a mesma finalidade... E vendo o erro, diz la "*/" vб atй a linha 420 e axe esse */ e deleta ele, sу ele e veja o q deu, se tiver mais algum erro posta ai!
fiz agora upload, pega aki: foreach