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Can someone make this command to show in message, not in dialog ? - Printable Version

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Can someone make this command to show in message, not in dialog ? - bustern - 03.09.2013

pawn Код:
            new admin = PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin];
            new money = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash];
            new kills = PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills];
            new deaths = PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths];
            new score = PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore];
            new string1[128],stats[1024];
            format(string1, sizeof string1, "{44A1D0}Score: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Money: {FFFFFF}[$%d] {44A1D0}Kills: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Deaths: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Admin Level: {FFFFFF}[%d]", score,money,kills,deaths,admin);
            format(stats, sizeof stats, "%s", string1);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Your account:",stats,"Ok","");

Re: Can someone make this command to show in message, not in dialog ? - Konstantinos - 03.09.2013

pawn Код:
format(string1, sizeof string1, "{44A1D0}Score: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Money: {FFFFFF}[$%d] {44A1D0}Kills: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Deaths: {FFFFFF}[%d] {44A1D0}Admin Level: {FFFFFF}[%d]", score,money,kills,deaths,admin);
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF, string1);

Re: Can someone make this command to show in message, not in dialog ? - DanishHaq - 03.09.2013

Fail, my bad.