public SafeOnPlayerConnect(playerid) { SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[DEBUG]: MAU #1"); CheckAccount(playerid); return 1; } public CheckAccount(playerid) { new query[82]; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Username` FROM `accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", PlayerName(playerid)); mysql_function_query(handle, query, true, "OnAccountCheck", "d", playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[DEBUG]: Mau #2"); return 1; } public OnAccountCheck(playerid) { if(playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields, handle); new string[250]; for (new i = 1; i <= 50; i++) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, " "); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[DEBUG]: Mau #3"); if(rows) { cache_get_row(0,2,PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey],handle, 128); format(string, sizeof(string), "Selamat Datang Kembali Di %s, %s.", SERVER_NAME, PlayerName(playerid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, string); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[DEBUG]: Show Dialog Login"); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "That name is currently registered, please log into your account."); ShowMainMenuDialog(playerid, 1); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Selamat Datang Di %s, %s.", SERVER_NAME, PlayerName(playerid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, string); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "[DEBUG]: Show Dialog Register"); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "That name is currently not registered."); SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "If you wish to register, please input your password in the box below."); ShowMainMenuDialog(playerid, 2); } } return 1; }
16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:30:29] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1). [16:30:46] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:31:19] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 0). [16:31:19] [ERROR] "cache_get_data" - invalid connection handle. (ID = 1).
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Username` FROM `accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", PlayerName(playerid));
mysql_function_query(handle, query, true, "OnAccountCheck", "d", playerid);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", PlayerName(playerid));
mysql_function_query(handle, query, true, "OnAccountCheck", "d", playerid);
It's on the main directory. It's on the same place where samp-server.exe is located at. If it failed for some reason, it would write the reason.
What is your MySQL version? And change
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
It's on the main directory. It's on the same place where samp-server.exe is located at. If it failed for some reason, it would write the reason.
What is your MySQL version? And change
pawn Код:
pawn Код: