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Lowercase to Uppercase - Printable Version

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Lowercase to Uppercase - JaKe Elite - 31.08.2013

Okay, Most of users look for "Uppercase to Lowercase"
Now i'm doing opposite, I'm looking for "Lowercase to Uppercase"

I cannot find one i search everywhere, All i can find is Uppercase to Lowercase.

So how can i do this?

Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - doreto - 31.08.2013


Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - Misiur - 31.08.2013

pawn Код:
stock strToUpper(string[]) {
        i = 0;
    while(EOS != string[i]) {
        if('a' <= string[i] <= 'z') string[i] -= 32;

Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - [HiC]TheKiller - 31.08.2013

You can either just minus 32 of the ASCII value per character or use

pawn Код:
new string[10] = "potato", id;
while(string[id] != EOS)
    string[id] = toupper(string[id]);

Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - JaKe Elite - 31.08.2013

Misiur that didn't work, It returns my name instead of the parameter.

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "[POLICE MEGAPHONE] %s(%d): %s", GetName(playerid), playerid, UpperWord(params));

[POLICE MEGAPHONE]: Jake_Hero(0): Jake_Hero

instead of


Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - Misiur - 31.08.2013

The function shouldn't return anything. Try

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "[POLICE MEGAPHONE] %s(%d): %s", GetName(playerid), playerid, (UpperWord(params), params));

Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - JaKe Elite - 31.08.2013

Misiur works now thanks, anyway [HiC]TheKiller i try your code and compile it in a blank script it gives error but nvm then.

Re: Lowercase to Uppercase - Misiur - 31.08.2013

I don't remember if there's any performance diffrence, but if you don't want to use this comma thingy, you should be able to just add return to the stock

pawn Код:
stock UpperWord(string[]) {
        i = 0;
    while(EOS != string[i]) {
        if('a' <= string[i] <= 'z') string[i] -= 32;
    return string;