OnPlayerKeyStateChange - Printable Version
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OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
audriuxxx - 23.08.2013
Why this code doesn't work?
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
return 1;
Why when I press ↑ i don't get this message?
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
Konstantinos - 23.08.2013
You cannot check the keys UP/DOWN and LEFT/RIGHT in OnPlayerKeyStateChange. Take a loop at the example Wiki shows:
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
audriuxxx - 23.08.2013
But how to know when player release ↑ ? Yes, when i use onplayerupdate, then i get message, but i need to know, when player press that arrow, or release.
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
Konstantinos - 23.08.2013
I'm not sure if that would work, checking if the
ud is not equal to
KEY_UP. I've not used them before, but give a try.
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
Vince - 23.08.2013
You need to store their previous key state and compare it with the new state to figure out whether they pressed or released the key. Values are -128 for down and left, 128 for up and right and 0 for nothing. However, if the player is using a joypad then the value may be anywhere between these limits.
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange -
Dragonsaurus - 23.08.2013
I believe this should work for releasing KEY_UP:
pawn Код:
if(((newkeys & -128) != -128) && ((oldkeys & -128) == -128))