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Maps are not Uploading - Printable Version

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Maps are not Uploading - Admin22 - 22.08.2013

In my RP script
I was trying to add more maps
But they are not showing up
After a certain amount of maps , The maps are getting bugged / New Maps are now showing up :3

Re: Maps are not Uploading - Admin22 - 22.08.2013

Actually I'm using a script Which is on SAMP Forums which is of iRage i.e zGaming , but a few days ago , I added few maps and they worked but now the map i add , They're not showing them IG (i.e. not uploading :3)

Re: Maps are not Uploading - Admin22 - 22.08.2013

Actually this happened to me in many scripts
I want to know the solution :3