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Shooting issues - Printable Version

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Shooting issues - Mennims - 16.08.2013

Ok before I start, I am not a noob, I have high knowledge on the internet, I know how servers work as I am programming one at the moment.


I have played on multiple servers and I have this issue where I will shoot at someone and I can use, a sniper rifle, a m4, EVEN A EFFING MINIGUN, and I will shoot at about 90% of the people and they will not take any damage, at all! I mean guys come on, we all know the minigun belies its name and it is insanely powerful. I live in South Africa so my ping is not the greatest. I was playing on a server where I had 350 ms ping and I would shoot at multiple people standing still or moving and they would have no damage, first of all the server I play on has a few features such as if you are standing still for maybe a minute it sets you as inactive and you cannot be damaged. IF you shoot at that person it will write in BIG letters on the screen "Player inactive", now there is not much of a lag before it shows the message. And because also god mode is available to everyone who types /god on the server the same thing applies, you shoot at them and it says "Player has god mode", Now there are people on the same server I will shoot and they will be still, they will take no damage and the "Player inactive" message doesn't appear, I even have a sawn off shotgun at close range and nothing, absolutely nothing, on the server on a bad day there are 700 people, and normally there are 900 people. So there are many many many people to shoot but alas nothing, 10% success no lies, it pisses me off so badly. I cannot enjoy samp to the full, the same with San Andreas Cops n Robbers ( I have 250 ms ping and only SOME of the shots I shoot at the person actually damage, others don't at all. I battle to even shoot the tires of cars its so bad. I have shot ahead and like I said I doub't it is the issue, on the same network on my wonderful PS3 I play MW3 online and get 250 ms ping and I can feel some lag but otherwise it is 300% better than SA:MP! On the other servers it is the same issue and it is not lag anymore at all, I know this for certain. Please help me fix this

Re: Shooting issues - Diablosrouge - 16.08.2013

You cant fix the unfixable, SA-MP doesnt have lag compensation like MW3.


The bigger the ping, bigger the distance where you aim.

Re: Shooting issues - Mennims - 16.08.2013

I just told you they are standing still and I shot them WITH a Sawnoff shotgun and nothing!!!!!

Re: Shooting issues - newbienoob - 16.08.2013

Originally Posted by Mennims
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Ok before I start, I am not a noob, I have high knowledge on the internet, I know how servers work as I am programming one at the moment.
No you don't.
Also, watch the damn video!

Re: Shooting issues - Scenario - 16.08.2013

Then there's something wrong with your connection.

Re: Shooting issues - FlawPaw - 16.08.2013

Check if there's a hourglass icon next to them, if there is that means the player is alt tabbed. Also, verify that the player is not de-synched or lagging.

Re: Shooting issues - Diablosrouge - 16.08.2013

Plus, considering your internet connection and the distance you are from the server you are probably having packetloss, which is probably why you can't hit anyone regardless.