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My hosted server is crashing.[HELP] - Printable Version

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My hosted server is crashing.[HELP] - Rg-Gaming.Info - 07.08.2013

Hello there everyone, I have my server hosted at Latency Host but, it's randomly crashing every 15 minutes, here is my crash log.

Someone please tell me what's going on.

Re: My hosted server is crashing.[HELP] - FaceTutorialz - 07.08.2013

Contact Latency host about the crash problem.

Re: My hosted server is crashing.[HELP] - Rg-Gaming.Info - 07.08.2013

Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
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Contact Latency host about the crash problem.
Already made a ticket there, waiting for response. But it's worth posting here as well.

Re: My hosted server is crashing.[HELP] - Scenario - 07.08.2013

Actually, it's not. If you have an issue with a host then you don't need to post here.