Enum Issue - - Printable Version
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Enum Issue - -
Kyle - 05.08.2013
Anyone know why I get these warning / error? I used enum as I did [][] and printing the value for [i][1] prints invalid results, not the correct data... But prints right data for [i][0]
warning 228: length of initialler exceeds size of the enum field
error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
enum Data
new TenCodes[][Data] =
{"10-00","Use Caution (10%00)"},
{"10-01","Signal Week (10%01)"},
{"10-02","Signal Good (10%02)"},
{"10-03","Stop transmitting (10%03)"},
{"10-04","Okay, Affirmative (10%04)"}
Re: Enum Issue - -
Kyle - 06.08.2013
Originally Posted by ******
1) Your strings are 6 characters, not 5.
I wonder if there's a way to see how many HUNDREDS of times I've said that!
I changed it back to arrays, and look:
The result:
(There is more 10 codes in the array, I moved them out so it doesn't become too long.
The print for the TenCodes[i][1] isn't correct. It just prints the code without the 1, so 0-20, not the whole string.
[08:53:06] 20 - Found - Replacing 10-20 with 0-20 within hello 10-20
stock IncludeCodes(playerid, chattext2[])
new chattext[180];
format(chattext, sizeof(chattext), chattext2);
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(TenCodes); i++)
if(strfind(chattext, TenCodes[i][0], true) != -1)
printf("%d - Found - Replacing %s with %s within %s", i, TenCodes[i][0], TenCodes[i][1], chattext);
strreplace2(chattext, TenCodes[i][0], TenCodes[i][1],true);
printf(" ");
Re: Enum Issue - -
NinjahZ - 06.08.2013
pawn Код:
enum Data
You are using ENUM for arrays man,this is not what enums are for XD
Re: Enum Issue - -
Kyle - 06.08.2013
Originally Posted by ******
What do you mean you changed it back to arrays?
I removed the enum codee and replaced it with: new TenCodes[][] = { blabla };
Then using TenCodes[i][0] and TenCodes[i][1].
But the [1] doesn't print the right values, it just prints the 10code but as 0-20 or 0-25 even though it should print the full string name.
Re: Enum Issue - -
Konstantinos - 06.08.2013
Originally Posted by KyleSmith
I removed the enum codee and replaced it with: new TenCodes[][] = { blabla };
Then using TenCodes[i][0] and TenCodes[i][1].
But the [1] doesn't print the right values, it just prints the 10code but as 0-20 or 0-25 even though it should print the full string name.
You miss the lenght. Have a look at
Beginner's Guide: Single/Two/Multi-dimensional Arrays