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Getting the online player list, using c++? - Printable Version

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Getting the online player list, using c++? - paulicaa - 05.08.2013

I saw this

Is possible to get the online players with c++ / c#?
If so, how ?
I want to make something like online player, using .NET..

Re: Getting the online player list, using c++? - -Prodigy- - 05.08.2013


Re: Getting the online player list, using c++? - paulicaa - 05.08.2013

Originally Posted by -Prodigy-
Посмотреть сообщение
using System.IO;
using System;

class Program
static void Main()
Query.Query sQuery = new Query.Query("", 7777);


int count = sQuery.Recieve();

string[] info = sQuery.Store(count);

for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
Console.WriteLine(info[i] );


c It stands for client list, this sends back to the server the players' name, and then the players' score. Just imagine it as a basic overview of all the players. Throttled to 100, but can theoretically support 65536 different IDs.

Why i don't get nothing here?
If I ask for 'i', i get the information of the server..

Re: Getting the online player list, using c++? - paulicaa - 09.08.2013

up .

Re: Getting the online player list, using c++? - Lorenc_ - 09.08.2013

I assume you're using the C# snippet. I'm trying to make my own, a cleaner and simpler one to use...

pawn Код:
byte[] rBuffer = new byte[500];
That was the issue for me, I couldn't get a client list until I increased that to about 2048 or something in the grands.

Anyway, try that, report back and let us see.