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kicking player - Printable Version

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kicking player - CH | FuDo - 04.08.2013

Hi guys, I have a problem with this:

I want to first show Conected to SAMP, then to send him this message, and then to kick him.
How to make it? Any suggestions?


Re: kicking player - doreto - 04.08.2013

When connect create Timer for 3-4 seconds;when timer load send message and kick him

Re: kicking player - Private200 - 04.08.2013

There have been a update frequently on the SA:MP 0.3x and the kicking time is faster then letting the player get message first. You'd better use a timer to get the player kicked. Watch the tutorial on the link that I gave and, good luck.

EDIT: For the comment up of me, are you just mad; 3-4 seconds for kicking; The player has hacked all the server in that small amount of time. 1sec is more then enough. Good would be 500MS.

Re: kicking player - CH | FuDo - 04.08.2013

I maded timer, but what to use as a back to OnPlayerConnect public?

Re: kicking player - Private200 - 04.08.2013

Originally Posted by CH | FuDo
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I maded timer, but what to use as a back to OnPlayerConnect public?
What do you mean; What to do OnPlayerConnect; If you mean that player is banned and want to kick him than you must create a saving system.

Re: kicking player - CH | FuDo - 04.08.2013

I created reg/login system, now I want to create something like CheckRPName. You got it now?

Re: kicking player - Face9000 - 04.08.2013

Originally Posted by Private200
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What do you mean; What to do OnPlayerConnect; If you mean that player is banned and want to kick him than you must create a saving system.
He's just asking for a timer to make see the "kick message" at the player:

At the top:

pawn Code:
forward KickPlayer(playerid);
public KickPlayer(playerid)
    return 1;
Put where you placed the kick message:

pawn Code:
Place it AFTER the kick message.