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Encode problem? - Printable Version

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Encode problem? - Jhon_Night - 04.08.2013

Hello, today i was starting to script my own gamemode starting from new.pwn but i already found a problem if i do this:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "attivitа");
that means activity in italian.. It will output this:
or something like this.. Please help me.

Re: Encode problem? - CutX - 04.08.2013

idk but maybe it's not supporting these kind of letters (not sure)
but this:
	new lol = 0224,s[1];
	format(s,sizeof s,"%s",lol);
will actually print a "а"

Re: Encode problem? - Jhon_Night - 04.08.2013

I already have some other scripts with this special characters like а и т м and i haven't got problems with them.

Re: Encode problem? - Jhon_Night - 04.08.2013
