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[FilterScript] [FS] ReactiontestFS 1.3 - Printable Version

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[FS] ReactiontestFS 1.3 - tomozj - 23.06.2007

ReactiontestFS 1.3 by tomozj_________________________________________________

Ok, hey. This is a simple reactiontest, that will echo a random set of numbers/letters. The first to type that set of random letters and numbers (case-sensitive), wins $10,000, or whatever you choose the prize to be. If you aren\'t first, but still get it, you\'ll get a \'too slow\' message. Also, the winner can\'t win twice - there\'s a message for that also.

The reactiontest runs at random times. It\'s every 4 minutes, plus an extra of up to 3 minutes (randomly set). You can change these two values (time1, time2) at the top of the script.

Also, in this reactiontest script, you\'ll find that it\'s easy to edit. That\'s all you need to do, is add a few lines to ReactionWin(), and you\'ll find that they are carried out when a player wins the reactiontest.

If you log into RCON, you can trigger the ReactionTest() via /test. Also, you can get the current value of reactionstr (the randomly generated string) using /output randomstr.

If you need any help, just reply. I\'d love to hear your thoughts on this also.

Atm, I\'m working on another reactiontest that requires you to add up numbers. It\'s preety buggy though, so I removed it from this release.

There are comments throughout the code to help you edit stuff.


PWN Source.

You might also like my CaptchaFS, which uses the same \'engine\'.

27/06/2007 - Fixed a bug where you could only type the first letter to win. (untested, but works in theory).
03/08/2007 - Fixed the script, so it actually works again. Tested.
05/08/2007 - The smiley on the console is now removed, and the forloop is removed. Users now have to type the full string. Thanks to mabako for pointing out the errors on this one.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Franc[e]sco - 24.06.2007

Nice script bro

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Grove - 24.06.2007

Nice tj lol :P copying of LVP I like it

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - MaTrIx4057 - 24.06.2007

Why you think he copying of LVP? Maybe he made it for them.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Grove - 24.06.2007

Because The reactiontest has been going on at LVP before tj could even script :P But still a nice handy code!

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - MaTrIx4057 - 24.06.2007

So. He can make code by self. If he don\'t have LVP source code then he didn\'t copyed but if he did admins should lock this topic.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Joske_Vermeulen - 24.06.2007

Blade , stop reacting like everyone steals/copies code from everyone please !
And who ever would give that to him ..

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - MaTrIx4057 - 24.06.2007

LOL Look what i posted i didn\'t said that he steal. READ MY POSTS.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Grove - 24.06.2007

Alls I am sayung Blade, is that he got the idea from LVP, ok? Your annoying me now..

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - tomozj - 25.06.2007

Meh, some of you really are meatheads.

I got the idea from LVP, and was working on developing it for the B&A Gang Server.

And about the code, I wrote it all myself. I did look at LVP\'s code, to see how to make the string, then I wrote it out from the top of my head.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Zamaroht - 25.06.2007

Nice script, simple, useful and funny

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - tomozj - 27.06.2007

Updated to version 1.1.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - Daan[NL] - 02.08.2007

it doesnt works at my server :

plzz help me!
what is that smiley?

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - Alejandro - 02.08.2007

this is nice. thanks

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - [AC]Yaron - 02.08.2007

I like the idea of it.

Nice =]

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - vkmaster - 02.08.2007

just what i need for a project :P which is nearly done

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - tomozj - 02.08.2007

OK Alejandro, this was created when I was even more of a nub scripter.

I\'m going to update today, fixing the bugs. And the smiley is normal, unavoidable in an easy way.

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.0 - Noxa - 03.08.2007

Originally Posted by [SAB
Zamaroht ]
Nice script, simple, useful and funny
^^ =]

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - vkmaster - 03.08.2007

meh i give up lol, was trying to make a captcha system for when a player connects to server, and it runs it before class select, kick the player after 1min or 3 incorrect attempts, maybe someone else can do it
Probably be better to do in textdraw.

Would be a great security measure to prevent hackers

Re: [FS] Reactiontest 1.1 - tomozj - 03.08.2007

Originally Posted by vkmaster
meh i give up lol, was trying to make a captcha system for when a player connects to server, and it runs it before class select, kick the player after 1min or 3 incorrect attempts, maybe someone else can do it   
Probably be better to do in textdraw.

Would be a great security measure to prevent hackers
I had that exact same, idea, but I never got around to it. I\'ll have a go, for now though, the reactiontest isn\'t working o_O

Not sure why. It worked when I released it. :+

Edit: Updated.

Oh, and I plan on optimizing this. There\'s a very bad for-loop in onplayertext, which was a temp fix.