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bug ObjectInfo - Printable Version

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bug ObjectInfo - DarkZeroX - 03.08.2013

Hi, i stored the ID's of the object in name, and when i put this in my function createobject, this last crash...

stock ObjetInfo[][] =
  {0,"Mauvais ID"},
  {19171,"Guide de Los Santos"},
  {2894,"Contract de location"}
stock createFloatEx(const floatid)
    FloatInfo[floatid][fObject] = CreateObject(ObjetInfo[FloatInfo[floatid][fItemName]][0],FloatInfo[floatid][fX],FloatInfo[floatid][fY],FloatInfo[floatid][fZ], 0.0, 0.0, 96.0);
    cacheAltFloat[FloatInfo[floatid][fObject]] = floatid;
    format(stringtmp, TAILLE_STRING_CLASSIC, Orange_SAMP"%s\n"Blanc_SAMP"Appuyez sur Alt G. pour ramasser l'item", FloatInfo[floatid][fItemName]);
    FloatInfo[floatid][fText] = Create3DTextLabel(stringtmp,Couleur_Blanche,FloatInfo[floatid][fX],FloatInfo[floatid][fY],FloatInfo[floatid][fZ],5.0,FloatInfo[floatid][fVW],false); 
Thank you for your future help

Re : bug ObjectInfo - DarkZeroX - 07.08.2013


Re: bug ObjectInfo - BoU3A - 07.08.2013

i need something from u on the bed

Re : bug ObjectInfo - DarkZeroX - 08.08.2013
