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IceKold - 03.08.2013
Do not know why I give this error:
pawn Код:
else if(AccInfo[playerid][Kills] >= 4000) KRank = "The Best of The Best";
pawn Код:
else if(pinfo[playerid][RPoints] >= 1000) RRank = "The Best of The Best";
Help Me!!!
Re: Help -
SsHady - 03.08.2013
Show us the Whole code of that function?
Re: Help -
sleepysnowflake - 03.08.2013
can we see where you created teh accinfo, pinfo, krank and rrank? thanks.
Re: Help -
IceKold - 03.08.2013
Thanks I solved the RRank and prank was so Krank [20], RRank [20] I now Krank modified [46], RRank [46];
Re: Help -
sleepysnowflake - 03.08.2013
let me quote ******
A string in PAWN is just an array of characters, no different to any other array. Strings are NULL terminated, this means they all have the character '\0' (NULL) at the end (ASCII code 0, different to the character '0' which has an ASCII code of 4. If you have the following string:
pawn Code:
str[3] = "hi";
It is really 3 cells long - one for the 'h', one for the 'i' and one for the NULL character to signal the fact that the string has finished.