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From texture to model name - Printable Version

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From texture to model name - Rapgangsta - 03.08.2013

I have a texture of an object (got it with spark) is there a way to get the model name?

For example

 gazebo.txd   CJ_W_wood
Which is the model name?

Re: From texture to model name - Virtual1ty - 03.08.2013

That texture can be found on these objects:
Object ID     Model name
1479          DYN_GAZ_1
1480          DYN_GAZ_2
1482          DYN_GARRAGE1
You can easily find the model name using tool such as MEd.

Re: From texture to model name - Rapgangsta - 03.08.2013

Thank you!

I have it, but where to search for the model?

Re: From texture to model name - Virtual1ty - 03.08.2013

When you open and configure MEd, simply click the conveniently located Find button to search for whatever you might need.

Re: From texture to model name - Rapgangsta - 03.08.2013

Thanks rep+