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Whats wrong with code - Gaurav_Rawat - 03.08.2013

Basically i want wen A team use Left Alt ,If he is of Team B and is near him he should die at instant.
I tried it but my code didn't work can you help me out please

pawn Код:
        if(team[playerid] == TEAM_ZOMBIE)
            if(pInfo[playerid][pZombieClass] == TYRANTZOMBIE)
                new victimid = GetClosestPlayer(playerid);
                        case NON_IMMUNE,70:
                            if(GetDistanceBetweenPlayers(playerid,victimid) < 1.5)
                                    if(gettime() - 9 < Abilitys[playerid][TyrantAttack]) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~ Still recovering",4000,5);
                                    new Float:hp,zmstring[256];
                                    SetPlayerHealth(victimid, hp -200);
                                    GameTextForPlayer(victimid,"~n~~n~~n~~n~~y~Tyrant Attack ",3000,5);
                                    format(zmstring,sizeof(zmstring), ""info""COL_PINK" %s has been Tyrant attacked by %s",PlayerName(victimid),PlayerName(playerid));

                                    new msg[128];
                                    format(msg, sizeof(msg), "02%s has been Tyrant attacked by %s",PlayerName(victimid),PlayerName(playerid));
                                    IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, msg);
                                    Abilitys[playerid][TyrantAttack] = gettime();

Can anybody help me ?