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Returning string of enum - Printable Version

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Returning string of enum - hiok - 03.08.2013

I have a problem, this does not return the correct string, just some weird stuff:

pawn Код:
enum a {

new array[MAX_PLAYERS][a];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
    GetPlayerName(playerid, array[playerid][str], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);

returnPlayerName(playerid) {
    // Printing array[playerid][str] here gives the correct result!
    return array[playerid][str]; // This does not return the correct thing.

Re: Returning string of enum - Konstantinos - 03.08.2013

May I ask why do you need this? You already store the name to str, why you need to use a function to return the name? Way too slower.

Re: Returning string of enum - hiok - 03.08.2013

It's a reduced function for the purpose of posting it here - it will be enhanced with if statements. Aswell, I would like to know why this does not work.

Re: Returning string of enum - hiok - 03.08.2013

pawn Код:
enum a {

new array[MAX_PLAYERS][a];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
    GetPlayerName(playerid, array[playerid][str], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);

returnPlayerName(playerid) {
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", array[playerid][str]);
    return name;
That would work but creating another variable is a waste of resources - how can I do it without that variable?

Re: Returning string of enum - Edix - 03.08.2013

can you try formating the array instead? (yes I know it sounds stupid but just give it a go)

Re: Returning string of enum - hiok - 03.08.2013

Originally Posted by Edix
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can you try formating the array instead? (yes I know it sounds stupid but just give it a go)
I don't quite understand, could you explain that any further?

Re: Returning string of enum - Edix - 03.08.2013

pawn Код:
returnPlayerName(playerid) {
    format(array[playerid][str], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "%s", array[playerid][str]);
    return array[playerid][str];
Try this.

Re: Returning string of enum - hiok - 04.08.2013

Still in need of a proper solution!

Re: Returning string of enum - RajatPawar - 04.08.2013

pawn Код:
enum a
new array[MAX_PLAYERS][a];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    GetPlayerName(playerid, array[playerid][str], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);

stock returnNAME_(playerid, const name[], const size = sizeof(name) )
     return format(name, size, "%s", array[playerid][str];
Kind of like the GetPlayerName function of SA-MP

Re: Returning string of enum - hiok - 04.08.2013

So it's only possible to pass it by reference?