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Damage System Help - Printable Version

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Damage System Help - Gaurav_Rawat - 02.08.2013

Hello Scripters
I would like your little help in here,I tried to create a damage system for my script but its not kinda working mind giving me a hand ?

pawn Code:
if(team[issuerid] == TEAM_A)
        if(pInfo[issuerid][MP5] == 1 || pInfo[issuerid][Deagle] == 1)
            if(team[playerid] == TEAM_B)
                if(weaponid == 24)
                    new Float:hp;
                    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp - 70);
                }else if(weaponid == 29)
                    new Float:hp;
                    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp - 45);
I am using OnPlayerTakeDamage callback for it

Re: Damage System Help - [XST]O_x - 02.08.2013

That should help you out: