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Foreach bug? - Printable Version

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Foreach bug? - RCON1 - 02.08.2013

Hi, it's my first thread at this forum, so - regards.

Now I'm turn to my issue: I've some backtraces in console (I'm check that with crashdetect):

[05:40:14] wyzuc 1
[05:40:14] wyzuc 2 0 0
[05:40:14] wyzuc 2 0 0
[05:40:14] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[05:40:14] [debug]   Accessing element at index 53 past array upper bound 52
[05:40:14] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[05:40:14] [debug] #0  0007a988 in public script_hy_update () at ./current/libs/event/events/
[05:40:15] początek
[05:40:15] po spawn
Line 1907 is:
new Float:position_[6];
		foreach (new ply : h_y_players) //1907
function, which update HAY:

forward script_hy_update( );
public script_hy_update( )
	if( script_hy[ statees ] != true ) return 1;
	if( Iter_Count( h_y_players) == 0 )
		KillTimer( script_hy[ Timer ] );
		Iter_Clear( h_y_players);
		script_hy[ statees ] = false;
		sendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ERROR, "Hay zostało zakończone z powodu braku graczy." );
		return 1;
	if( Iter_Count( h_y_players) == 1 ) //tutaaj jesli jest jeden
		KillTimer( script_hy[ Timer ] );
		new p = Iter_First(h_y_players);
		if( IsPlayerConnected( p ) )
			Iter_Remove( h_y_players, p );
			SetPlayerVirtualWorld( p, 0 );
			TogglePlayerControllable( p, 1 );
			SetPlayerHealth( p, 100.0 );
			ResetPlayerWeapons( p );
			SpawnPlayer( p );
			printf("po spawn");
			new kasy = random( 10000 ), score = random(100);
			format( ee_stri, sizeof( ee_stri ), "Gracz %s (%d) po raz %d wygrał {b}/HY{/b}. I otrzymuje {b}%d Score i %d${/b} ", playerNick( p ), p, addPointEvent( p, stats_hy ), score, kasy );
			sendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGE, ee_stri );
		Iter_Clear( h_y_players);
		script_hy[ statees ] = false;
		return 1;
	if( script_hy[ winreed ] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
		KillTimer( script_hy[ Timer ] );
		GivePlayerMoney( script_hy[ winreed ], 10000 );
		new kasy = random( 10000 ), score = random(100);
		format( ee_stri, sizeof( ee_stri ), "Gracz %s (%d) po raz %d wygrał {b}/HY{/b}. I otrzymuje {b}%d Score i %d${/b} ", playerNick( script_hy[ winreed ] ), script_hy[ winreed ], addPointEvent( script_hy[ winreed ], stats_hy ), score, kasy );
		sendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGE, ee_stri );
		script_hy[ statees ] = false;
		Iter_Clear( h_y_players);
		return 1;
	if( Iter_Count( h_y_players) > 1 ){
		new Float:position_[6];
		foreach (new ply : h_y_players)
			GetPlayerPos( ply, position_[ 0 ], position_[ 1 ], position_[ 2 ] );
			if( position_[ 2 ] < 110.0 ){
				if( Iter_Contains( h_y_players, ply ) ){
					Iter_Remove( h_y_players, ply );
					printf("wyzuc 1");
				SpawnPlayer( ply );
				printf("wyzuc 2 0 0");
			if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(ply) )
				if( Iter_Contains( h_y_players, ply ) ) {
					Iter_Remove( h_y_players, ply );
					printf("wyzuc 11");
				SpawnPlayer( ply );
				printf("wyzuc 22");
	return 1;

Re: Foreach bug? - RCON1 - 02.08.2013

Sorry for double post.
I think I found (?) Foreach serious bug.
#include a_samp
#include foreach

new Iterator:test<100>;
public OnFilterScriptInit(){

	foreach( new i : test){
		if( i != 99 ){
	return 1;
loadfs x

 |                                     |
 |        YSI version 3.09.0684        |
 |        By Alex "******" Cole        |
 |                                     |

[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[debug]  Accessing element at index 101 past array upper bound 100
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 0000220c in public Itter_OnFilterScriptInit () at x.pwn:12
[debug] #1 0000142c in public ScriptInit_OnFilterScriptInit () at D:\GTA\serwerm
[debug] #2 000000e4 in Debug_Print0 () at D:\GTA\serwermap\include\include\YSI\i
  Filterscript 'x.amx' loaded.