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Mysql Non_Exist account loads data? - Printable Version

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Mysql Non_Exist account loads data? - Admigo - 01.08.2013

Hi all,

I have a problem with my account exist.
When this is getting called and someone didnt have an account(player is not in mysqldatabase) a random clandata will be loaded.
So sometimes when i player is on the server he is loading as player in a clan but he/she is not in any clan.
pawn Код:

stock ExistAccount(playerid)
    new query[128];
    format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `"#MYSQL_ACCOUNT_TABLE5"` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s'", GetPlayeridName(playerid));
        mysql_query(query, _THREAD_ACCOUNT_EXIST2, playerid, gSQL);

            if(mysql_num_rows(gSQL) > 0)
                LoadPlayer3(extraid);//loading the clan data if the player account exist but its loading it also for players who not is in a clan(Player dont exist in DB)
How to fix this?


Re: Mysql Non_Exist account loads data? - Admigo - 03.08.2013
