Animation for getting sprunk? -
MattSlater - 31.07.2013
I cannot find it anywhere, only the Animation Index ID which is 1660. (i think)
Does anyone know the ApplyAnimation code for getting sprunk, reaching arm out to the sprunk machine.
Thank you
Also, how can I change the lighting of a house interior? I believe you can set the weather or something and make it all dark then change it back or something and it will go to normal, thank you!
Re: Animation for getting sprunk? -
Daddy Yankee - 31.07.2013
ApplyAnimation(playerid,"VENDING","VEND_Use",1.4,0 ,1,1,0,2500,1);
Re: Animation for getting sprunk? -
dEcooR - 31.07.2013
ApplyAnimation(playerid,"VENDING"," and use these things ",1.4,0 ,1,1,0,2500,1);
Re: Animation for getting sprunk? -
MattSlater - 02.08.2013
Thank you both so much, does anyone know how to do the dark/light interior thing I mentioned at the top?
Re: Animation for getting sprunk? -
MP2 - 02.08.2013
I'm not sure which weathers would cause that (but I imagine some would), but an alternative (which may actually be easier and less hassle to script) would be to have a black box textdraw over the player's entire screen with about 60% transparency, making it look dark. The only thing would be the actual lights in the game, on the ceiling, would be on, so that would be a bit odd. Sounds like a pointless feature tbh.
Re: Animation for getting sprunk? -
MattSlater - 02.08.2013
I know how to make textdraws, but no idea about the transparency so urm, any help please