Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size) - Printable Version
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Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size) -
Salsa - 25.07.2013
what the hell is this ? what does it means ?
Command Are not working and showing this msg on console log
PHP Code:
Number of vehicle models: 108
Incoming connection:
[join] Fr3ak has joined the server (0:
[debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)"
[debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x83FE4, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x840E8
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 ???????? in public OnPlayerCommandText () from Sun.amx
[debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)"
[debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x83FE4, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x840E4
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 ???????? in public OnPlayerCommandText () from Sun.amx
[part] Fr3ak has left the server (0:1)
EDITED: i got this problem after doing this :
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/jumps") == 0 || strcmp(cmdtext,"/jump") == 0)
new Str1[ ] = "{EEEE00}Big Jump1 {FF0000}[/bsj1]\n{EEEE00}Bim Jump2 {FF0000}[/bsj2]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump3 {FF0000}[/bsj3]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump4 {FF0000}[/bsj4]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump5 {FF0000}[/bsj5]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump6 {FF0000}[/bsj6]\n\n\
{EEEE00}Big Jump7 {FF0000}[/bsj7]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump8 {FF0000}[/bsj8]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump9 {FF0000}[/bsj9]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump10 {FF0000}[/bsj10]\n\
{EEEE00}Big Jump11 {FF0000}[/bsj11]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump12 {FF0000}[/bsj12]\n",
Str2[ ] = "{EEEE00}Big Jump13 {FF0000}[/bsj13]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump14 {FF0000}[/bsj14]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump15 {FF0000}[/bsj15]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump16 {FF0000}[/bsj16]\n\
{EEEE00}Big Jump17 {FF0000}[/bsj17]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump18 {FF0000}[/bsj18]\n{EEEE00}Big Jump19 {FF0000}[/bsj19]\n\
{EEEE00}Big Jump20 {FF0000}[/bsj20]\n{EEEE00}Crane Jump4 {FF0000}[/cranejump4]\n",
Str3[ ] = "{EEEE00}Crane Jump {FF0000}/cranejump]\n{EEEE00}Crane Jump2 {FF0000}[/cranejump2]\n\
{EEEE00}Deadly Jump {FF0000}[/deadjump]\n{EEEE00}Water Jump2 {FF0000}[/waterjump2]\n{EEEE00}Water Jump3 {FF0000}[/waterjump3]\n\
{EEEE00}Groove Street Jump {FF0000}[/grj]\n{EEEE00}Mini Jump {FF0000}[/minijump]\n{EEEE00}Small Jump {FF0000}[/sj]\n{EEEE00}Pipe Jump2 {FF0000}[/pjump2]\n{EEEE00}Fun Jump {FF0000}[/funjump]\n{EEEE00}Pipe Jump {FF0000}[/pjump1]\n",
StrF[ 2500 ];
format( StrF, sizeof StrF, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", Str1, Str2, Str3 );
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_Jumps, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST , "{E01649}!!** JUMPS **!! : JUMPS", StrF, "SELECT", "CANCEL" );
return 1;