No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Uzair - 24.07.2013
No one can join my server Why
my Server IP is :
and only i can play
my server is in Internet TAB Not in Hosted Why
i want my server in Hosted
Guys Please Help Me ,
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
MigzPT - 24.07.2013
Maybe you need to open first a port
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Uzair - 24.07.2013
and this is IP Too :
But this is only in Internet Tab
Please help me
i want my server in Hosted Tab And All Players Can Play
i Dont know how to port Forword in my internet GateWay
My Internet Is in Greece : hol
Please help me
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Uzair - 24.07.2013
Originally Posted by MigzPT
Maybe you need to open first a port 
What Your Means " first a port "
Please learn Some English
if you know So please help me
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Uzair - 24.07.2013
How i can Make A server in Hosted TAB and all players can play ?
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
fahadtariq73 - 24.07.2013
Check your pm !
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
MigzPT - 24.07.2013
Originally Posted by Uzair
How i can Make A server in Hosted TAB and all players can play ?
You need to access youґre Router via Internet to open a 7777 Port

Nowadays all is on ******* so you search for it !
Best Regards ,
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Tubbeeh - 24.07.2013
Originally Posted by Uzair
What Your Means " first a port "
Please learn Some English
if you know So please help me
"Please learn some english"? Seriously, and you maybe have the old 0.3e server files, so 0.3x client cant connect to the server. Update your SAMP to 0.3x, and server files to 0.3x it should help
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Uzair - 24.07.2013
Come on tell me how i can make a HOSTED Tab Server!
Re: No One Can Join My Server Why ? -
Axey - 25.07.2013
Originally Posted by Uzair
What Your Means " first a port "
Please learn Some English
if you know So please help me
1. When you are asking for help, at least ask for it respectful.
2. I think you are the one who should learn English? What You Means...
LOL, this isn't even good English, 1. We don't caps every word 2. WTF is this grammar ?
Anyway, back to topic,
You need to port forward, search on You Tube...
Or, you can use Hamachi.
Or buy a host, you can find a'lot of cheap hosts.
You can find host's here:
A tip: Next time you ask for help, be a bit respectful. Use search before you post. Don't correct any one when you are wrong too.