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Relog then crash - Printable Version

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Relog then crash - aa14 - 20.07.2013

Hey guys I have a server and I updated a few things in the pwn file like attachment / toy systems etc. And when I make an account then relog it spawns me in blueberry with cj skin and crashes me?

Re: Relog then crash - TH3_R3Dâ„¢ - 21.07.2013

as there no code is shown, I'm giving you a solution I always make,
(if I were you, I'd)
1)backup my .pwn file
2)remove the updates
3)start making the update again and gradually test each part I make (put outputs, messages, etc..)
4)by time, I'll find the mistakes
5)I'll solve them and what I can't, I'd refer them to scripting help section.
6)I'm done.
and note that you should backup your .pwn file for any mess happens due the solution.

Best of luck

Re: Relog then crash - aa14 - 23.07.2013

I tried the save sys was currupt I think.