Question About Obejcst -
Salsa - 20.07.2013
i would like to aks something about the objects
how many
CreateObjetcs we can add in server ?
and how many many
CreateDynamicObjects we can add in server ?
if we add both objects on 1 gamemode so it should create problems ? or what
sometimes on my server CreateDynamicObjects not showing and CreateObjects showing Properly from too far
Re: Question About Obejcst -
FaceTutorialz - 20.07.2013
You can create a LOT of CreateObjects, you may not want to use over 100 of CreateDynamicObjects because dynamic objects take more memory than the regular CreateObjects.
Re: Question About Obejcst -
Salsa - 20.07.2013
hmmm you mean a limited range of CreateDynamicObjects ?
well who cares for more memory we just want to show all objects correctly ( i create a map i waste 15 days but that map is not showing all objects !!!
i test a thing about create objects " we can't use unlimited Create objects it's limited too
Re: Question About Obejcst -
FaceTutorialz - 20.07.2013
When you open your server on a host, you will see what I'm talking about.
Re: Question About Obejcst -
Salsa - 20.07.2013
i am using a host from last couple of years
and yes Createdynamicobject maps is lagging sometimes
Re: Question About Obejcst -
Jstylezzz - 20.07.2013
The limit for normal CreateObject objects is there, which is 1000. When using a streamer, it's unlimited, afaik, since there are people out there using 15000+ objects (if I remember correctly), so that shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure the stream distance param is not set too high in the CreateDynamicObject functions.
Just a quick note if you're planning to do any moving things, for CreateObject objects use MoveObject, and for CreateDynamicObject objects use MoveDynamicObject. Same for destroying objects, for CreateObject objects use DestroyObject, and for CreateDynamicObject objects use DestroyDynamicObject.
Hope this helps you
Re: Question About Obejcst -
freddy smyth - 20.07.2013
Make sure you've got incognito's object streamer,I think. I'm certain that it's faster for processing and loading objects for people.
Re: Question about objects -
GWMPT - 20.07.2013
Originally Posted by FaceTutorialz
You can create a LOT of CreateObjects, you may not want to use over 100 of CreateDynamicObjects because dynamic objects take more memory than the regular CreateObjects.
I though that the limit of CreateObject was 1000.
And why shouldn't we use CreateDynamicObject? The "memory" reason isn't valid though.
Originally Posted by Salsa
i am using a host from last couple of years
and yes Createdynamicobject maps is lagging sometimes
It wasn't supposed to lag, is your network connection with the server ok?[vice-versa]
@OP, It isn't going to create problems, however, use CreateDynamicObject if your map have more than 1000 objects, if not, use the normal CreateObject.
Re: Question About Obejcst -
Jstylezzz - 20.07.2013
For the lag problem, check the post above me, and make sure the stream distance is not too high (as defined in the CreateDynamicObject function), like I stated in my other post.
Re: Question About Obejcst -
Salsa - 20.07.2013
well all maps showing correctly with CreatedynamicObjects i have uncountable CreatedynamicObjects
but problem is a big map which created on Map editor its not showing objects from far distance ?? other all maps showing showing objects from too long distance too
Make sure you've got incognito's object streamer,I think. I'm certain that it's faster for processing and loading objects for people.
i'm already using incognito's object streamer