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My rapping - Printable Version

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My rapping - PabloBenice - 20.07.2013

Hello! I am always dreamed of becomeing an raper... i maked my first rap song a while a go and want to here you're opinions. My voice sounds a bit weird becasue i have a gold.... Sub Scribe to my chanel fore more rapes and i want to be famouse dont tell any1 but i talked whit justin Bieber and were going to make a song 23gether XDD Pease!


BTW: My voice is nt synthesized!

( c ) Warmer Bros recorts 20013

Re: My rapping - linuxthefish - 20.07.2013

Nice rape

Re: My rapping - SsHady - 20.07.2013

You actually Raped the Rap :P

Re: My rapping - Epixha - 20.07.2013

Re: My rapping - toXioneer - 20.07.2013

Failed grammar and humor, but tone on 00:15 is sick, gonna use that as ringtone lol.

Re: My rapping - Hiddos - 20.07.2013

That's quite brilliant, well done lol

Re: My rapping - GWMPT - 20.07.2013

I'm not going to subscribe to your channel.. or i will get rapped, and i don't want to.

Re: My rapping - Michael@Belgium - 20.07.2013

It's nice to see you raping ... You did a good rape there.

This thread made my day xD

Re: My rapping - Jstylezzz - 20.07.2013

This thread made my day aswell, it's the best grammatical screwup I've seen in a while! I'm wondering the same as Eclipse though, not sure whether this dude just wanted to make our day, or if he really means it. Anyway, keep dem rapes coming!

Respuesta: Re: My rapping - [DOG]irinel1996 - 22.07.2013

Originally Posted by Eclipѕe
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This, but good job anyway.